Farina Akhtar's Professional Competences
1. Personal Management
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?
3. Managing information
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?

5. Project, task and organisational skills
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?
7. Commitment to quality
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to the employer?
What should I do to improve?
9. Social responsibility
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?
2. Communication
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?
4. Research and analysis
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?
6. Teamwork
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?
8. Professional behaviour
What does this mean?
Why is it so important to employers?
What should I do to improve?
10. Continuous learning
What does this mean?
Why is it important to employers?
What should I do to improve?