Areas of my professional development

Reflective practice

From this course, I liked this method of reflecting teaching practice and I will start to apply it in my school context.

Take into consideration the Action Research method to deal with some learning problems in my students (Reading comprehension, lack of strategies to understand what they read...)

Take another course in the platform FutureLearn related to new technologies for Esl teaching.

Personal Learning Network

I graduated in a Master degree in Language Teaching last year, I am applying the research project in the school where I work.

I receive professional support from my colleagues who are teacher researchers. I collaborate them too.

I will join a research group of the university where I studied my master degree.

Observation for learning

Peer observation as a source of knowledge about other teaching strategies and resources.

Class observation twice a year done by the principal or the coordinator of the school as part of the annual evaluation

Ask my partners or another english teacher in the school to observe my classes at least twice a year to have another perspective of my performance.

Goals (short and long term)

4 years to apply my bilingualism project at school.

Every year to participate some research projects of the school.

Active participation in the staff meeting of the school every term of the school year.