Reasons for the National Party's victory in 1948
Surge in nationalism
How great was it? - 1943-48 The percentage of the vote by the NP and the Afrikaner parties went from 38% to 42%
Influenced by Dutch Reformed Church
100th anniversary of Battle of Blood River - Voortrecker monument 1838, covenant with God
Failings of the United Party
Smuts was old and tired
Too concerned with international affairs
Too close to Stalin
Weak campaign
There was fear that Smuts and, in particular Hofmeyer, were too moderate
1942 Smuts stated that segregation had failed
1946 Hofmeyer proposednon-racial health service
The system of first past the post
National Party got 70 seats and the United party got 65
NP - 38%
UP - 49%
Polled 37% in 1943 - 43 seats
Also, rural constituencies weighed more (15%)
Established in 1910 constitution
Exacerbated by urbanisation
Appeal of the National Party
Simplicity of the message
Easy to sell change
Grass roots energy
Herzoe's mineworkers
Understood the system and
how to manipulate it
Second World War
Fear in cities
Fear in Country
Loss of power and
75%of new manufacturing workers were black
Fear created as Smuts seemed to
be supportive
Stimulated Nationalism
Fanned by publications such as De Transvaler - Foited by Verwoerd (future PM)
Fighting against natural allies
Greyshirts (fascists)
Oxwagon Sentinel - many interned