some of the risks.
This usually happens between children and teenagers.
The victim usually receives threats
and humiliations from other user of the
social network.
The intention of this users is usually to torture
the other person.
It can happen on the internet, by the telephone or in
Alot of information about us is moving around the internet.
If that information is not private, or it is not in a secure place, someone can use our personal information for wherever he/she wants.
This information theft can; exhibit an under age ot get family money steal.
When you post something on the internet,
it will be forever moving around it, even though
you don't know that it is there.
Then when you're searching for a job for example,
they can find what you post years ago when you
were young, and say to you that you're not up to
the job.
They also can judge you (any person), because of the
photos, videos... that you have on the internet, thinking
things about you that are not true.

SECURITY HACKER: someone who seeks to breach defenses and exploit weaknesses in a computer system or network. Hackers may be motivated by a multitude of reasons, such as profit, protest, challenge, recreation or to evaluate system weaknesses to assist in formulating defenses against potential hackers.