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About: ensuring optimal care
OATC'S burenorphine/naloxone program: initial intake interview, medical examination, and laboratory tests, supervised urine testing, signed treatment contract and treatment plan, regular medical follow up, daily methadone dose.
OATC'S methadone maintenance program: initial intake interview, medical examination, and laboratory tests, supervised urine testing, signed treatment contract and treatment plan, regular medical follow up, daily methadone dose.
Advantages: less stigmatizing than methadone, can get the person to be stable, easier to come off methadone, fewer side effects
Disadvantages: not fully satisfy cravings or block withdrawal symptoms for those with high tolerances, costly, doses can be difficult to arrange
How effective is this organization’s work + improvements: In my opinion this organization is not that effective as it could be. The reasoning behind this is because my group and I never heard of this organization compare to an organization like D.A.R.E. Some future improvements can be advertising the organization more so more youths are aware of it and not making the programs within in this organization be so costly.
About: gives skills to youth to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence
D.A.R.E education program endorsements and support: lessons on bullying, internet safety, and over the counter prescription drugs and opiates abuse.
United nations: only international drug prevention organization which holds consultative status with the committee on non-government organizations of the united nations economic and social council.
D.A.R.E. program: taught to over 50 states, U.S territories, and 50+ more countries. This program is written by national panel of curriculum and prevention experts. Not only this, the D.A.R.E program meets all core requirements such as, health, language arts, and math.
How effective is this organization’s work + improvements: In my opinion this organization is really effective more to other organizations. The reasoning behind this is because I personally did hear about this organization while growing up. Not only this, but it is incredible at all the efforts put into this organization and it is clearly visible. For example, the partnerships with police officers and the D.A.R.E program which is taught over 50+ countries. Some improvements that can be made to this organization is for us teenagers/youth community to be able to reach out to them easier because I remember when my group and I was trying to reach out and call this organization there was a lot of voice messages but no responses in return.
About: non-profit, community based, outpatient addiction and treatment. This organization is funded by Ministry of Health & Long Term Care, the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and last but not least the United Way.
Assessment treatment and referral services (Adult): Help patients who are struggling with substance abuse. Offer both harm reduction and abstinence-based approaches.
Problem gambling and behavioural addictions: Provides alcohol/drug use and addictions to gambling for probation.
Days ahead program-assessment, treatment, and referral services (youth): Research on different cases that relate to drug abuse and alcohol consumption. For example, the impact of this addiction on relationships, education, legal, recreation, physical and emotional health. A treatment plan is made for the patient which can include counseling, group work, and external referrals to other services within the community.
Community justice program: This program is mainly for patients with a criminal record. This program helps and provides assessment, counselling, and case management. Assistance can also be provided to the family.
Know the D.E.A.L program (youth): Designed for youth in Oakville and Milton who may have been involved with Halton region police services diversions program or have drug/alcohol offences.
How effective is this organization’s work + improvements: In my opinion I think this organization provides many great programs for both youth and adults. This organization went above and beyond and added other issues that can affect an individual. For example, gambling and youths who have a criminal records or are involved with offences. Some future improvements can be that this organization can expand their options. For example, the Know the D.E.A.L program for the youth only helps with youth within Oakville and Milton. This does not include us Brampton kids.
Some tips what may help with advertising this issue
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Organizations we contacted
ZOR basketball

bring Pictures and Videos to help (in the website maybe)
What it is about + goal
Goal: Say NO to drugs
My group and I want to raise awareness about drug abuse within our community and how we can make the youth say NO to drugs.

Raise awareness
Create posters
Social media
Talk to community members
Raise an even within the school and call organizations over if we can
ZOR basketball, D.A.R.E, PCHS

Try to learn the history behind why drug abuse became a problem within our community, statics, facts, people's stories on drugs and how it impacted their lives