Sesar Loyola Strengths
Choose work environments that challenge you. Opt for situations where your success is measured each day.
Select a career that provides you with numerous opportunities to excel as an individual. Control your workflow, schedule, productivity, quality level, and action plan.
Gravitate to organizations and professions that offer incentives for quality, productivity, sales revenue, profit margins, or customer service.
eek a position that lets you do what you do best every day. Inform people that you have a need to exceed, not just meet, minimum requirements.
Find a career in which you can work as hard as you want. Avoid work situations controlled by collective bargaining agreements that limit how much you can produce each day.
Select work where you can be given more and more responsibility as you progressively achieve.
Ensure that future employers know how much they can count on you.
Choose a work environment that focuses on outcomes rather than processes.
Find a manager and coworkers who will trust you to follow through.
Choose any career in which in-depth, meaningful relationships are valued.
Find a workplace in which friendships are encouraged, and you can continuously learn about your clients and associates.
You will enjoy a job in which you serve a stable group of customers who come back often.
Consider coaching, teaching, managing, supervising, and caregiving as possible outlets for your talent.
how much change and what kinds of changes you are most comfortable handling.
Weigh the importance of rules and guidelines in your job. Understand that abiding by these makes it easier for teammates to cooperate, make progress, and succeed.
For an interesting and challenging project, enlist friends and classmates to search the Internet for information about team-oriented occupations.
Look through the classified ads for positions that allow you to help others meet their financial obligations.
Choose a profession where deficits are remedied.
Consider a service position where you can help others solve their problems.
Look for work opportunities that allow you to fix whatever is wrong, from restoring art objects to cars to inadequate telephone service.
Think about owning or managing a company that restores and recycles products.