Dictionary Definition
“a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or
the space between time
room, expanse, extent, capacity, period, time
limitation, stagnation
1. Word Selection: I selected this word because I believe
that there can be many different definitions of space.
I have also always had a fascination with outer space and
I thought it'd be fun to research it more. This word has played a huge role in my life because there's space all around me. Space I'm in, space I feel between people, etc.
2. Research: The research I found definitely broadened my knowledge of what I believe is "space." It has helped me find a more scientific view on it, and helped me understand some of the psychology behind the space we feel between us as humans.
3. Lived Experience: I will be talking about me and my brother's fascination with space when we were children, how I felt closer to my parents when they came home from trips, and how my ex-boyfriend and I became closer after a forced separation for a summer.
4. Helpful Research: I found some research about how space between relationships can be beneficial. I was excited about finding that because I knew it would be helpful for this essay. I also thought it was very interesting because it explained the science behind something I was already aware of but didn't understand completely.
5. Incorporation: I see myself using what I have learned through my research and connecting it to my lived experience. I see myself doing this by explaining my lived experience, then explaining the science and reasoning behind it.
Middle English: shortening of Old French espace, from Latin spatium . Current verb senses date from the late 17th century.
space between people
I could talk about how my parents would go on trips and t would make me miss and love them more
How ex-boyfriend and I were separated for a summer and it made us closer
space between objects
lived experience (overall)
As a child, I was obsessed with NASA and I
watched some of their missions with my brother.
After you experience space in a relationship, once
it’s gone it makes the relationship so much better.