The 7 Social Change Theories Explained
Structural Functionalism
This theory is a Macro theory, it looks at how all structures or institutions in society work together for the society as a whole.
Society is seen as a integrated whole, where all parts are connected. Every structure in society works together to function to maintain stability and well being of its members. This theory focuses on the roles people perform and the idea that behavior follows established norms, which help to maintain social order.
Impact On Understanding Social Change
Examples to look at that follow this theory include, Education, health care, family, legal system, economy and religion.
Institutions and people are interconnected, when one shifts, the other has to change in order to restore equilibrium. Functionalists compare society to the human body. Just like our bodies each part of society serves a function.
Conflict Theory
This theory takes a macro approach, the conflict theory examines the roles of power plays in society and how it can be used to have control over others.
The idea that power ( not functions) hold society together. This theory organizes society into two groups; those with power and those without.
Impact on understanding Social Change
Examples of this theory in real life include, rich vs poor, men vs women and government vs religion
Those with power have the most wealth, prestige and privileged and are able to limit the less powerful. This often ends with exploitation. This theory surrounds the idea that power is tightly controlled by the few individuals at the top.
Feminist Theory
This theory takes both a micro and macro approach. Macro - studies economic systems and societal ideologies that contribute to inequality. Micro - Studies communication, attitudes and values of both men and women.
This theory is focused on the idea that women have been marginalized in society, it works towards reframing the study of sociology and reflects the realities and experiences of people beyond traditional constructs of gender, race and economic status.
Impact on understanding social change
Current examples/focuses include discrimination, rights and equal status of the LGBTQ+ community
Examines social issues and focuses on the experiences of gender. This theory focuses on women's experiences, gender roles, social economic inequalities between men and women
The thweory of internsectionality focuses on seeing the world through diffrent lenses. These "lenses" includewhat opions and expericnes diffrent individuals gface that shape their views on the larger parts of society.
Differences would include topics such as gender, race, sexuality, disabilities, culture and origin.
Affect on social Change
Different opinions are created off a self bias when not taking everyone's perspective into account. Some white person may idolize a person a african hates, this could be due to racist remarks that lead the coloured individual to hold anger towards this individual. Who we are effects the way we are treated. We learn different values in our own cultures that shape our views on society.
Cognitive Theory
The congnitibe theory belives we learn behavior through peoples reacitons. We first msut understand our emtion to express how we are feeling. Positive and negative reifincforment. If a baby gets food everytime time it crys ir will cry when it is hungry.
The cognitive theory focuses on the mental process that occurs when somebody feels a certain emotion or opinion. The thoughts they put together may effects how they react to certain situations.
Impact On Social Change
Past experiences may affect peoples reactions to certain situations. To understand how you are feeling you put thoughts and words to that emotion.
Opinions and self beliefs may be created through mental process linked with learned behaviors from specific situations.
Cultural Materialism
Cultural materialism is based on the idea that the environment is the foundation of society. This theory is the belief that each society must ultimately exist within the constraints created by its environment.
This theory can be broken down and looked through different perspectives. Cultural materialist believe all society is integrated in some way through their environment. Each society has a infrastructure, structure and super strucrure.
Impact On Social Change
When one part of society changes, or the environment changes, society must re adapt to its new surrounding. When one part changes the other must change as well to maintain the equilibrium.
All societies must live within the constraints of their enviorment
Impact on Social Change
It is believed that we taught morals, values and self discipline as we grow up. Humanist believe in order to create a caring well put together society children must be raised in a ideal society where they are taught important values and morals. People growing up in broken homes and third world countries would have different values and self value then some0me coming from a picture perfect family or america.
This theory is all about each individual having a mind of their own. Making their own decisions on free will. it is believed that we are all born "good" and that our morals and self values are created through our journey of growth. We are conditioned to learn behaviors yet ultimately have the decision of what to do and how we want to act as a individual. We are all born the same and develop our own views on society.