the semsters to devolping a fetus

first sememster

the blastcyst first implants itself the uterline lining and that's where it starts recieving nutrients.

Gastrulation us where cells divides into 3 cell layers call Ectoderm, Mesoderm and Endoderm.

A.Ectoderm develop the skin and the nervous system

B. Mesoderm forms the body’s internal structures such as muscles, bones, blood cells and reproductive organs.

Neurulation the start to developing the nervous system.

After 3 months the tissues and organs are developed.

thrid trimester

the mass of the fetus begin doubling

there lungs and organs continues to mature, preparing life for outside

the eyelids starts to blink

the body begins storing nutrients and minerals suc as calcium and phosphorus

the brain starrts releasing hormones, that triggers involuntary movement that begins labor

Finally, the amniotic sac and the fetus breaks and that leads to contraction in the uterus which causes the baby to be pushed out

Second sememster

when bone's start to replace the cartiage and start to form an early skeleton

The fetus also starts to devlop form urine and discharing aminiotic fluid

liver and pancreas begin fuctioning

the brain contiunes with devolping

devolpement for females and males fetus

males, prostate gland begin forming

females, ovarian folliclesa begin to form