net zero
Health interests
If we ger zero emissions, there will be fewer sick people and there will be time to develop research and treat other people
Environmental interests
zero emission=The environment will be cleaner- more inviting for tourism.
Economic interests
Heavy investment in green solutions means less money
for other projects
Israel will lose UAE money from Eilat- Askelon
When there would be zero emissioms, there would be
less sick people- the hospitals would have less potients-
less medical supplies=less money.
Israel can get money for Israeli green-tech.
Foreign relations interests
zero emissions=The environment will be cleaner- more inviting for tourism
We need to get other interst to achive our interst.
Energy interests
negotiate with other countries to get energy sources out of reach- get zero emission
if we get zero emissions, we will discover and development energy sources that have not been used before.
get zero emission- we will have to invest money in finding new available energy sources.