Values are the qualities that every human being has.
Values are related to:
Values are learned to improve a person's behavior and integrity.
The most important values of the person are part of their identity.
The values are related to the interests and needs of people throughout their development.
Values involve our feelings and emotions.
When we value peace, it bothers us and war hurts us.
Personal values are characterized by applying to practically all areas and contexts of life.
Political values have to do with the ideal political model for a person, which has to do with the public management of resources.
Social values are not limited to a specific social circle but can be extended to the entire population.
Family values are related to the experience of belonging to a family with the establishment of strong affective bonds.
Religious values are linked to a belief system based on the faith of a given religion.
Labor values are related to our way of acting in a professional context.