"A Toolbox for Learning"
The Virtual School Library

Age Appropriate and Accessible

Based on the information that students need, their prior learning level and their reading level (Brooks-Kirkland, p. 43)

Icons / Pictures are used instead of lengthy titles of databases, etc. in order to ease understanding and make sites more memorable; students will use databases more if they remember a picture/icon.

Helpful Tools

Easy access to ...

Online Encyclopedias

Index of peer reviewed journals

Audio Books

e Books

Appropriate, streamed videos

Library Catalogue

Copyright friendly images

Avatar makers

Appropriate blogs, wikis, podcasts, Nings

Open Door, 24/7 Learning

Useful Web 2.0 tools are added with easy access for students

Students are able to interact with classroom teachers, teacher librarians and other students; information and learning conversations are able to flow freely through the use of available tools (Brooks-Kirkland, p. 44)

Students are able to access the "hub" at any time, from any place or device.

Aligned with Curriculum and Classroom Instruction

Strategies we use and our expected outcomes align with the goals of the school (Brooks-Kirkland, p. 44)

Useful resources for students of all ages to utilize to help them with their work in all subject areas.