Categorias: Todos - занятость - мотивация - материал - календарь

por Ольга Шакалова 1 ano atrás


Лена Богданова

В условиях высокой занятости на работе важно эффективно управлять временем и расставлять приоритеты. В этом контексте Лена Богданова сталкивается с необходимостью подготовки материала и презентации для первого модуля в сжатые сроки.

Лена Богданова

Лена Богданова

A weekly meeting of your team helps everyone to understand why what they do is important to your organisation.

5 Things to Cover in Weekly Team Meetings by Matterhorn Business Development

Highlight stories from the last week where things have worked well and a good result was achieved.


Keep people informed about changes and events.



Summarise problems facing the business, and their solutions.

Only permit a problem to be raised at this meeting if there is also an action plan for it. Don't allow discussion of problems on their own.


Презентация 1 модуля (контент) до 29 июня

Summarise important projects and initiatives in your organisation, who is responsible, and what milestones have been met and are coming up.


собрать материал для 1 модуля до 27 июня

Summarise the important statistics for your business over the last week. This might cover production, sales or clients served.

Make department heads, team leaders and project managers responsible for presenting their data as simple graphs showing trends over time. They must also explain what action they are taking in response to their graphs.

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включается инерция

повторять мотивацию
не успею из-за занятости на работе
не брать новую работу
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