Categorias: Todos - racism - social - school - children

por trevor cromwell 12 anos atrás


3 Thumann Easter Cromwell Thompson PEGS OUTSIDERS

Bullying is a pervasive issue affecting various aspects of society, from schools to workplaces. Up to 160,000 students skip school due to bullying, which can be physical, verbal, or emotional, with a significant portion being racially motivated.

3 Thumann Easter Cromwell Thompson PEGS OUTSIDERS

3 Thumann Easter Cromwell Thompson PEGS OUTSIDERS


Up to 160,000 targets of bullying are skipping school.Racist bullying is also illegal.Bullying can get so out of control to were kids commit suicid.
Facts on geographical bullying is one big geographical bullying is racist bullying can be phsical, verbal, and emotional bullying. Studies on racist bullying indacates that 15 to 25% of U.S students are frequntly being bullied.


People have been bullying other people because of their skin color for over 70 years it was so bad before that blacks and whites could not even be at the same park!
When people spread rumors and tells lies to other people to make them belive untrue things about another person is Socail bullying.
Bullying is a unkind behaiver that kids and teens do from the age of 10-17. Bu,llying happens all over the world every were.

Four out of every six kids are bullied in the U.S.

Did you know that over 30% of kids have food allergies and are bullied because

Bullying usally hapens in groups like a group of usally girls will pick on another group of girls sometimes it can just be 1 on 1 bullying like one bully and one victom.



50% of the workers have no experinence of bullying.

13% say that they are being bullied.

41.4% say that they have witnessed it.

13% is equal to 15 millon people

41.4% is equal to 47 millon people

that is a total of 62 millon people who have been bullied or witnessed a bullying.

workplace bulling happens all over the world with tradeand product sales.

top 4 jobs that have the most bullying problems

1. teachers

2. doctors

3. goverment workers

top bullies are

1.national union of teaching

2. unisom

3.nursing schools

4. lower trade centers

more workplace bullying happens by men then women.

race has a factor in bullying different race have bullied more at work than other people


facts on political bullying
people have been bullying each other over political standpoints since government has been around. one recent example is that a North Carolina deputy was fired for supporting his employer's political opponent.

another example is when a woman was driving down the highway, a man was cussing her out and driving really close to her car. she had her children in the car with her! he was doing this because the woman had a pro-Obama bumper sticker!

Bullying is not limited to kids and teens, it occurs among adults, too. A man was participating in a kickboxing study with another man, then the latter swung his arm around and hit the former in the nose hard enough that it could have shattered his nose. Then the former told the trainer he would never spar with him again, and changed his schedule so he would never see the latter again.