Categorias: Todos - exhibition - virtual - collections - paintings

por Dou Liu 2 anos atrás


Agent for VR

Visitors to the virtual exhibition of the Rembrandt House Museum are greeted by a virtual guide who offers assistance with tips for their visit. The guide provides a warm welcome and asks if the visitor would like tips on exploring the exhibition.

Agent for VR

Agent for VR

Type in the title for your document into the Central Topic.

The title should reflect the subject and the purpose of the document.

Read more guidance and tips on using Mindomo to create documents.

Welcome Intent A: Hi, welcome... Do u want tips about... show options yes/ no

"fulfillmentMessages": [


    "text": {

     "text": [

      "Good day!"





    "text": {

     "text": [

      "Welcome to the virtual exhibition of Rembrandt House Museum! Nice to meet you, I am your virtual guide. Do you want some tips for your virtual visiting here?"





    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "options": [


          "text": "Sure, show me!"



          "text": "Maybe later."



        "type": "chips"







[0] Await_tips_yes_no
Tips: No U: No, thanks A: 1)No problem, 2)show options for paintings
Tips: Yes User (U): Yes/Yeah Agent (A): 1)give rich response showing the tips and 2) show options for paintings

"fulfillmentMessages": [


    "text": {

     "text": [

      "Sure, hope this is helpful to you."





    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "type": "list",

        "subtitle": "Description1",

        "title": "Tip1"



        "type": "divider"



        "type": "list",

        "subtitle": "Description2",

        "title": "Tip2"







    "text": {

     "text": [

      "That's it, you can start the visiting now. And do not hesitate to tell me which exhibits you like! Maybe start from one of our collections:"





    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "type": "chips",

        "options": [


          "text": "Head of a Boy"



          "text": "Two moors"



          "text": "King Caspar"









[1] await_painting

Painting: King Caspar U: Show me King Caspar A: 1)give rich response 2) show options for next topic ①Thank you ②Tell me more about this painting ③I have questions ④Show me similar items like this

  "fulfillmentMessages": [


    "text": {

     "text": [

      "Legend has it that one of the three magi who came to worship the Christ child was an African. Sometimes he is called Caspar, sometimes Balthasar. Heerschop painted him without surroundings or story. He can only be identified from his expensive clothes and the jar of incense he gave as his gift. But it is the man’s face that attracts the most attention; he looks at us proudly and self-confidently."





    "text": {

     "text": [

      "Do you want to know more about the exhibit or continue the visiting?"





    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "options": [


          "text": "Continue visiting"



          "text": "I want to ask questions"



          "text": "Show me similar exhibits"



        "type": "chips"







[2] general_no [3] ask_background [4] have_question [5] await_question [6] ask_recommend

general_no U: No/thanks/I am fine A: 1)np, come back to me when something on your mind and 2) show options for possible paintings

  "fulfillmentMessages": [


    "text": {

     "text": [

      "No problem."





    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "type": "chips",

        "options": [


          "text": "Head of a Boy"



          "text": "Two moors"



          "text": "King Caspar"









ask_recommend U: Show me similar items like this A: 1)give recommendation from back end service, 2)show options ①another entity ②why this one ③stop recommendation

 "fulfillmentMessages": [


    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "accessibilityText": "The Bewitched Man",

        "rawUrl": "",

        "type": "image"



        "actionLink": "",

        "subtitle": "painting by Francisco de Goya",

        "title": "The Bewitched Man",

        "type": "info"



        "options": [


          "text": "Another one"



          "text": "Why this one?"



        "type": "chips"







Check if dialogflow es can realize coreference like "this" representing the item in the last round of conversation

the option "why this one" is actually kind of misleading for this function. This function retrieve the shared attributes or relationships between the original item and recommended item

[6] [8] why_recommend [9] stop_recommend

stop_recommend U: stop the recommendation A: 1) sure, you can visit the rest part of the exhibition, 2) show options for some other paintings in the exhibition

  "fulfillmentMessages": [


    "text": {

     "text": [

      "No problem."





give options so that user can start with other artworks within the exhibition.


why_recommend U: why this one A: 1) show shared attributes and relationships 2)show options ①share attributes ②Another one ③stop

Noted that here the number of shared attributes ranges from 0 to many 

"fulfillmentMessages": [


    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "title": "They both belong to the genre portrait.",

        "type": "info"



        "title": "They are both created by Francisco Goya.",

        "type": "info"



        "subtitle": "Select an option below to check other paintings with the listed attribute or stop the recommendation.",

        "type": "info",

        "title": "They both use canvas and oil paint as material."





        "options": [


          "text": "portrait"



          "text": "Francisco Goya"



          "text": "canvas"



          "text": "oil paint"



          "text": "Another one"



          "text": "Stop recommendation"



        "type": "chips"







[10] ask_recommend_same_attribute [6] [9]

ask_recommend_same_attribute U: an attribute name A: 1) show another artwork with the same shared attributes and relationships 2)show options ②Another related one ③stop

  "fulfillmentMessages": [


    "text": {

     "text": [

      "It also has portrait as its genre."





    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "accessibilityText": "King Caspar",

        "rawUrl": "",

        "type": "image"



        "type": "info",

        "actionLink": "",

        "subtitle": "painting by Hendrick Heerschop, Berlijn, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie",

        "title": "King Caspar"





        "options": [


          "text": "Another related entity"



          "text": "Stop recommendation"



        "type": "chips"







[10] [9]

await_question U: what is the genre... A: 1) got answer and reply 2) show options for ①another question ②another entity related to the answer

"fulfillmentMessages": [


    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "actionLink": "",

        "title": "oak",

        "subtitle": "type of wood obtained from oak trees",

        "type": "info"



        "actionLink": "",

        "type": "info",

        "title": "oil paint",

        "subtitle": "type of slow-drying paint that consists of particles of pigment suspended in a drying oil"



        "options": [


          "text": "Another question"



          "text": "Another entity related to oak"



          "text": "Another entity related to oil paint"



        "type": "chips"







[7] suggest_question [10]

suggest_question U: another question A: show options for two other example questions

"fulfillmentText": "No problem, what do you want to ask?",

  "fulfillmentMessages": [


    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "type": "chips",

        "options": [


          "text": "Which museum owns King Caspar?"



          "text": "Who created King Caspar?"









have_question U: I have questions A: 1)No problem, 2)show options for example questions

"fulfillmentText": "Well, according to my knowledge, you can start with example questions here:",

  "fulfillmentMessages": [


    "payload": {

     "richContent": [



        "type": "chips",

        "options": [


          "text": "What is the material of King Caspar?"



          "text": "What is the genre of King Caspar?"










ask_background U: Tell me more about this painting A: 1)show background story, 2)show options for next topic ①Thank you ②I have questions ③Show me similar items like this

For example, the text description of painting The Market in Dam Square, 1653 is

In the seventeenth century, Amsterdam was already a multicultural city. Jewish immigrants, East Europeans, Arab traders, Asian seamen and Africans had made their homes here. This view of Dam Square offers proof. It shows a group of men in eastern turbans slightly to the left of centre. And one black figure, beside a fish stall in the foreground on the right. The number of black residents was small. Some five thousand people were living in and around the Jodenbreestraat around 1650. Around eighty of them were black – about 1.5 percent of the neighbourhood’s residents. 

Questions generated based on the text are:

Q) What was Amsterdam home to a multicultural community?

Seventeenth century


Dutch city

Classical period

University town

Q) In what century did Amsterdam have a large population of immigrants?




Q) Where are the men in the painting?

African tribal masks

Western cowboy hats

Russians in fur hats

Eastern turbans

Q) Where is the fish stall pictured?





Q) Around what percent of the neighborhood's residents were black?

5 percent

10 percent

20 percent

1.5 percent

Q) Around how many people were living in and around the Jodenbreestraat around 1650?

Fifteen thousand

Ten thousand

Five thousand

The background story sometimes can be quite long, and also kind of repetitive, since we already show the background story within the virtual museum (beside the painting). What could be a better way to deliver the story or information about the paintings?


1) set a word or sentence limitation and send the response one by one

2) manually design a conversation for each painting

3) do not show this story, using tools like questgen to generate MC questions based on the text of background story, and let the guide interact with visitors by playing quiz game?

[2] [4] [6]