Categorias: Todos - technologie - zdraví - budoucnost

por Ana Slovic 3 meses atrás



Algoritmy hrají stále větší roli v našich životech a ovlivňují různé oblasti, včetně duševního zdraví a soukromí. Jejich schopnost porovnávat lidi mezi sebou může vést k pocitům deprese a nespokojenosti.



The human brain is amazing and gives humans potential without limits.

primjer logike

koriste se za obavljanje različitih zadataka

This can be an amazing new habit. You can learn a lot from the experience of others, as well as get ideas for your own development.

Add here the links or articles and blogs that you enjoy reading.


minimala broj koraka

Meditation helps to stop the mind from rushing into aimless thoughts. This can help you calm down and improve overall mental health, and also to sleep better.

on je konačan


Break the routine! Try something new everyday: it an be a new flavored coffee, a different road to work or travelling alone, etc.
Either way, getting out of your comfort zone will make you more flexible and strong.

opis rješenja nekog problema

Habit to lose

They say it takes 21 days to pick up a habit.

Why not try to lose one bad habit?

When trying to quit a bad habit, ask yourself what can I do instead of this?

Also, rewarding yourself after successfully quitting a bad habit can help.

Niz preciznih uputa

od početka do kraja

Without noticing, social media takes up a lot of our time.

Try to reduce this time and you will see how many productive activities you are able to do!

u svijetu računala vrlo su korisni

donošenje samostalnih odluka
upravljane robotima
važnu ulogu će imati u budućnosti

It is important that one is aware of his/her flaws.
After you acknowledge them, you give yourself the
possibility to improve them or even get rid of them.

What do you think are your flaws? How can you improve them?

mogu ugroziti naše mentalno zdravlje

narušavanje privatnosti
uspoređivanje sa drugim ljudima

Healthy mind in a healthy body, right?
Make yourselft a routine which fits your time and try to stick to it!

smatra se tehnologijom

automatizirane tehnike obrade podataka

Your new hobby can also be a recreational hobby. For example, you can try pottery, Italian cooking, dancing, etc.

You can also track your progress and have a little 'graduation' when you learned a new skill.


prvi put se spominje na engleskom jeziku

Learning a new language can become a mind-opening experience.


riječ algoritam
300g. kasnije

hindu arapski brojevi

perzijski matematičar i astronom AL-Kwarizmi

You can add your favourite quotes too.

postoji od antike

The more books you read, the more wisdom you get.
Add here the book that made an impression on you!