Categorias: Todos - performance - talent - technology - contracts

por Hadi Hameed 4 anos atrás


ASM Scope

The document outlines various focus areas and initiatives aimed at enhancing operational and customer-related capabilities. It emphasizes the need for developing and acquiring talent, including defining job specifications, writing job descriptions, hiring new staff, and providing necessary training.

ASM Scope

ASM Scope

Climate Action Electrification

Smart meters as sensors
LV monitoring
New asset maintenance procedures
LV models
New asset specs
LV maps
Reinforcement planning
Communications relating to control requirements / expectations
Device standards / specifications relating to controllability and visibility
reinforcement delivery
Low voltage flexibility services
Interface wiring

Commerical & Financial Strength

Flexibility enquiry preparation, qualification criteria and selection
Procurement functions
Flexibility services performance monitoring
Retail market metering
Flexibility services short term /trial revenue budgeting
Invoice management, payment processing
ASM PR5 historic cost recovery
Opex reduction
ASM PR6 submission
Non ASM incentives performance
Flexibility services long term revenue stream
Cost incentive performance
Incentives (flex, vis, TSO/DSO)
PR6 submissions


Customer enrollment and disenrollment process
Customer support & troubleshooting
Financial settlement for services provided
Measurement & verification of dispatch
Contracts for energy, metering of same
Roadmaps, stakeholder engagement for rollout of new flexibility products
Overall ESBN wide Stakeholder management
Access to capacity market participation
Service alternations
Access to DS3 participation
Technology in homes (for pilots, R&D etc) ic
Fleixbility to reduce risk of loss of supply
Smart meters
Flexibility to enable quicker / cheaper connections
Tariffs & pricing
Active solutions for energy communities
Dashboards & platforms for interaction with operations / system
General customer satisfaction
Education, awareness & participation relating to ASM
Non-operational technical requrements


Network Resilience

Flexibility service design and future network coordination with TSO.
BaU TSO interface for neartime and realtime opsrequirements
Asset replacement
Flexibility to enable outages for asset replacement
Maintenance delivery
Flexibility to enable outages for maintenance
Timber cutting
Mobile OMS
Flooding management
Integrating fault passage integration
Asset specifications
FLISR / Adaptive Self Healing networks
Hardening plans

People & High Performance

Talent development & acquisition (e.g. define job specs, write job descriptions, hire new staff, develop / train)
Updated Network Ops operating model, capability model & skills required
Potential consolidation of regions / operating centres (?)
System operation capability - more complex
Operational systems - grow the capability (breadth and depth)
Power System Studies capabilities (operational)
Labour & industrial relations (?)
Market awareness & competence
ESBN Headcount management

Climate Action Renewables

Access to wholesale energy market participation
TSO Coordination re active system
Access to capacity market
Access to DS3
Increasing demand alingment with renewables
TSO coordination re: SOCAs etc
Active solutions for community renewables
TSO coordination re TOP / TAO
Reducing Constraint
Community renewables connection process
Non firm generation management
Delivering connections
Reactive Power Management
Connections policy
Flexibility Services
Non-operational technical requirements
T&Cs relating to control
T&Cs, Contracts
Signals & Data Exchange Requirements
Connections process