Categorias: Todos - evolución - localización - teorías - alimentaria

por Carlos Castillo 4 anos atrás



El proceso evolutivo de los homínidos ha sido influenciado por distintos factores que han moldeado su anatomía y comportamiento a lo largo del tiempo. En primer lugar, la evolución de características físicas como los intestinos y los dientes permitió una mejor adaptación a diferentes dietas.


Teories Evolutives

Teoria de la substitució

Teoria de l'encreuament



protecció contra depredadors
apertura de camins intransitables
+repertori d'ailments
evolució de dents
evolució d'intestins

possible evolució del cervell a causa de la reducció d'energia consumida


Name the character

Type in the name of the character whose change throughout the story you are going to analyze.

Example: Nick Carraway.


Character's feelings

Focus on the way the character's feelings are presented at the beginning and at the end of the story, while explaining why they have changed.

Homo ergaster

Change of feelings

How did the character change the belief you mentioned?

Type in a relevant quote for his change.

Example: 'Winter night and the real snow, our snow(...)We drew in deep breaths of it . . . unutterably aware of our identity with this country for one strange hour before we melted indistinguishably into it again. That's my middle-west.' - Nick on the purity and integrity of Midwest.

Homo sapiens

Nova Cadena Alimentaria


Evolucionen per mantenir un equilibri


Guerres provocades

Catastrofes ambientals

alimentat de tot lo comestible

no acostumats

al cap


Equlibre bípeda


Caderes+estretes=-canal del part

Naixements prematurs

Maleabilitat mental pel desenvolupament


Habilitat amb les mans


Procés evolutiu


+ temps en busca d'aliment

Homo rudofensis

Change of feelings

In what way did the character change the feeling you mentioned?

Type in a quote to support your statement.

Example: 'They are a rotten crowd. You're worth the whole damn bunch put together.' - Nick criticizing the Buchanans.

Homo desinova
Homo floresiensis
Homo soloensis

Initial feelings

How does the character feel about a certain subject at the beginning of the story? Type in a relevant quote to support your statement.

Example: 'Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope.'

Homo erectus

Initial feelings

What was the character's initial belief? Type in a relevant quote.

Example: 'seems like the ragged edge of the universe' - Nick talking about Midwest, the place where he grew up.

Homo neandertal

Initial feelings

How does the character feel about a certain subject at the beginning of the story? Type in a relevant quote to support your statement.

Example: "Reserving judgements is a matter of infinite hope."



Type in the title and author of the literary work that introduces the character.

Example: The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Cadena alimentaria (homo)
alimentats de petites preses
a la meitat d'aquesta