por Alicia Hill 7 anos atrás
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Text Annotation. Provides in-depth study of text and creates immediate conversation around articles.
Case Studies. Students create their own case studies (from digital journals?) using appropriate vocabulary, concepts, etc. The studies are shared with other students for analysis.
Experimental Design. Final project for course.
Digital Journals. Promotes fluency through daily usage and interaction with content. Students apply concepts, vocabulary to various real-life situations.
Graph/Interpret data
What's App. Send out instant messages with various activities: fill in the blank, use the word in a sentence, etc. Quick responses by students help to develop automaticity.
Venn Diagrams. Use for terms that are easily confused or very similar.
Concept Wheels. Fill in a worksheet with the following:
Pre/Post Test: Use before/after each module? Help to differentiate instruction.
Study Groups. Sychronous or asynchronous. Each student selects 3-4 test questions that he/she struggled with and shares with group. Students analyze the questions/answers to determine why wrong answers are wrong, etc..