Categorias: Todos

por Fredrik Tjulander 4 anos atrás



Överskuldsättning och insolvens har påvisats ha allvarliga effekter på både fysisk och psykisk hälsa, inklusive en ökad risk för självmord. För att hantera dessa problem föreslås en standardiserad modell av multiprofessionella interventioner inom EU, som inkluderar primärvård, somatisk vård och psykiatrisk specialistvård.


Flytande ämne

Administration and governing, varies from country to country.

Idea-model of praxis to standardise multiprofessional interventions in support of indebted citizens, within the EU.

Competenses to be added, to embrace the complexity of Insolvensy Syndrome/overindebtedness

Primary and somatic care: Insolvency syndrome/overindebtedness. The cauce of high incidence of decreased average age, health and wellbeing.

*General Health Examinations *Psychotherapies *Drug Therapies *Health Follow ups *Healthpromoting consultations *Physiotherapies *Remittance (2 Specialist care)

Psyciatric specialistcare: Insolvency Syndrom/Overindebtedness is often a Leaethal condition (increasesd Suicide completion and suicide attempts). Decreased mental ilness and wellbeing.

*Inpatient Care *Psychotherapy *SCREENINGS - Suicidal Risk - Anxiety - Depression - PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome) *Drug Therapies

© Fredrik Tjulander 2020

Mandatory & Legislated Interprofessional care, must be a requirement.

Financial Therapists

Provided by Primary Care or/and Municipalaties

Primary care /Somatic care

Psycatric specialist care


Enforcement authorities

Citizens in indebtedness/Insolvency Syndrome