por Emily Witherspoon 3 anos atrás
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Teachers of students with emotional disabilities must have strong sense of confidence in their abilities to help these students and the capacity to care deeply about these students
Cooperative learning-students work in groups of three or four and have a specific task to complete, play assigned roles, and take accountability for the learning
Peer tutoring- each student works together to practice math facts, review vocabulary, or complete other tasks. One student is the tutor and one student is the tutee
a set of strategies designed to address the function of the behavior in order to change it
Five steps of FBA 1. Identify the problem behavior 2. Describe in detail the settings in which the behavior occurs 3. Gather information about the behavior using interviews, rating scales, observation, student records, and other techniques 4. Review the data 5. Form a hypothesis about the function of the behavior based on the data gathered
multidimensional and research-based problem-solving strategy for analyzing the student's behavior within the context of the setting in which it is occurring
Expectations are set for behavior in all settings (classroom, hallway, gym, cafeteria, etc.) and children are rewarded for following the rules
May address the child's behavior as well as their language and communication skills
If early interventions are implemented with young children at risk for developing a behavior disorder then they will not experiences later problems
Reassurance in knowing they are not alone
Trade ideas for addressing specific problems
Learn about local resources and services
Offer programs at times that are convenient for parents.
Teach parents strategies to address child's behavior at home.
Advocacy groups
Parents may feel anxious about working with the school or powerless to help their child.
Teachers may have negative perceptions of the family because of their frustrations with the child in school.
Students with this disorder are likely to have a parent with this or another psychosocial disorder.
The stigma of having a behavioral or emotional disorder may cause parents to hesitate to label their child as such. The stigma also can cause stress to the child.
Resilience- children tend to be able to recover and not experience long-term harm from brief episodes of stress or single negative experiences
Correlated constraints- when children's lives are permeated with risk factors, those factors collectively promote maladaptive behavior patterns and subsequently constrain the development of positive adjustment
Additional family factors- depression, peers, extreme sibling rivalry
Childhood maltreatment- physical and psychological abuse
Stressful life events- death of a parent and divorce, violence in homes and communities
Chronic stress-frequent fighting, physical abuse, not enough income, frequent moving, homelessness, bad community with shootings and drug dealings
The people around them, events they experience, and their living conditions are all factors in developing an emotional and behavior disorder
Brain injury could be another factor in the development of emotional and behavior disorders. Ex: mothers that smoke or drink during pregnancy put their children more at risk of developing a disorder.
Genetics play a part in a disorder being inherited
Home and school communication
Collaboration between professionals and parents
Development and implementation of clear classroom rules
Increased rate of praise for students when they behave as expected
Increased instructional pacing by increasing students opportunities to respond during classroom instruction
Pre-correction combined with close supervision
1. Does this student have one or more of the characteristics in the definition of emotional disturbance? 2. Do the student's characteristics, as assessed, adversely affect educational performance? 3. Can social maladjustment be eliminated as the sole cause of the student's behavior problems?
Strengths-Based Assessment
measuring students' social and emotional strength, the characteristics that give them confidence and the traits that help them cope with adversity
Medical Information
If a student is under the care of a physician or psychiatrist, school professionals will request the info from those medical professionals
An essential part of an assessment for emotional and behavior disorders is observation in the classroom, lunchroom, PE class, etc. so professionals can see what students do in a variety of settings and activities.
There are several types of formal assessments that help professionals decide whether a student has an emotional or behavior disorder
Intelligence tests help determine whether a student's cognitive level might be affecting their emotions and behavior
Rating scales can be used to determine nature and extent of a student's
There is no clear answer as to what causes what. Both academic and behavioral struggles are likely to effect one another.
Although there is no direct link between intelligence and emotional problems, these students do tend to have low average to average intellectual abilities. Teachers will often assume these students have an intellectual disability and that the behavioral problems are just some of the effects.
Untreated can lead to suicide, which is the third leading cause of death among adolescents.
Twice as likely to develop in girls than boys during adolescence.
Thoughts or expressions of suicide or any self destructive behavior
Talk or efforts of running away from home
Major change in eating and/or sleeping patterns
Poor concentration
Poor attendance or performance in school
Complaints about physical illness
Difficulty with relationships
Increased anger and irritability
Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure
Low self esteem and guilt
Social isolation, poor communication
Persistent boredom
Decreased interest in activities
Frequent sadness
Outward behaviors, directed towards others
Child withdraws and turns inward