por Theresa Powell 12 anos atrás
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It is vital that controlled speaking is learned and practiced in everyday speaking. Controlled speaking is not a mundane way of talking.
James is the writer of a very important Epistle that identifies the characteristics of Christians. The Book of James was written to the Jewish Christians who were scattered in Palestine to expose the hypocritical practices of the early believers of the church. James is identified as Jesus’ (half-) brother and a leading pastor of the Jerusalem church. James emphasized one of the most important aspects of the Jewish leaders and Christians regarding character in the third chapter of the Book of James - the words that are chosen to speak.
1 Elwell, Walter A., and Yarborough, Robert W. Encountering The New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey, Second Edition. Michigan: Baker Academic, 2005: 354.
2 Dr. Thomas L. Constable, Notes on James, 2012Edition, Sonic Light: http://www.soniclight.com/constable/notes/pdf/james.pdf