por Georges Emock 6 anos atrás
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A Phrase is a group of related words that does not contain a subject and a verb.
Example: Gone to santiago, i heard of the robbery.
A clause is a group of related words that contains a subject and a verb.
Example: He failed because he did not study.
A non-finite clause is a subordinate clause that has only a non-finite verb.
A non finite verb does not indicate a tense.
In fact, Infinitive, participles, past participles and verbal nouns are non-finite verbs.
1-Example: To play soccer ,you need boots.
2 - Example: Playing chess is difficult.
3 - Example: Annoyed, he went back home.
4 - Example: Running is a nice sport.
5 - The decision made by him was overruled.
A finite verb is a verb that indicates tenses.
Example: She lives in chillan
Example: He went to the city to find work.
Example: My mother bakes tasty cookies.
A collocation is a pair or group of words that are often together.
Compounds are unit of meaning formed with two or more words separated with hyphen or written as one.
post office
Idiom: It is a fixed group of words that mean something different to the meaning of the individual words.
He went down with a fever. He contracted a fever
2 .The cost of living went up . The cost of living increased.
3 . She caught on very quickly. She understood very quickly.
The subjunctive mood expresses wishes, conditions contrary to facts, and requests or commands.
Example 1: If I were you ,I would not go out tonight.
Example 2: It is time you paid the rent.
Formulaic Subjunctive
Mandative Subjunctive
Example: It is important for them be here tomorrow at 7:00.
Specific words or expressions are generally used such as:
It´s time, it ´shigh time. These are followed by past simple or past continuous. Example: It´s time you paid de rent.
Wish, to express wishes in present or future.
Would is used tomake someone or something else to change.
Example: I wish he would stop crying all the time.
I´d rather / prefer. They are followed by past verb forms.
Example: I rather you did not come to my party.
I´d rather / I´d sooner are used with normal verb forms when comparing nouns or phrases.
Example: I rather eat a sandwich than pasta.
As if, as though are used for real and unreal situations.
The Imperative mood expresses direct requests or commands.
Example 1: Keep the sound of music down.
Example 2: Take out your your notebook.
Example 3: Stand up.
Indicative mood expresses statements of facts or questions.
Example: The Parliament passed the Law dealing with Abortion.
Example2: He settled in Brazil for part of his holidays.
Example 3: Are you going to travel next summer?