Categorias: Todos - innovation - evaluation - collaboration - conformity

por Claudio Salvatore 4 anos atrás





Techniques to generate ideas

Técnicas de Exploración
CUESTIONAR OPOSICIONES: analice las oposiciones implícitas que maneja el equipo, pensando en trascenderlas:
PTO DE VISTA FORZADO: Obligar a analizar la situación desde uno o más puntos de vista. Sung-Zu : “lo incipiente es fácil de controlar”, ¿qué resulta de este principio?
REVERTIR SUPUESTOS: explicitar los supuestos visibles e invisibles que estamos haciendo (y que configuran nuestra caja mental) y revertirlos uno por uno intencionalmente.
APROXIMACION INDIRECTA: Si el servicio al cliente fuera música, ¿qué música se le viene a la mente que resuma las mejores prácticas de servicio al cliente?
Edward de Bono lateral thinking tools
Challenge ideas: Asking why something is done the way it’s currently done. You challenge problems or solutions, thinking alternatives.
Concept fans: problem in a central circle, write down possible solutions as a series of lines radiating outward. Refream the idea and draw it as a second circle connected to the first circle and write down possible solutions for the new problem.
Provocative Operation (PO) "Schools without Teachers"
Random Words (Word shampoo, situation: planning for retirement
Remix Technique
Natura "Biomimicry" (color displays by mimicking the photonic microstructures in butterfly wings

Apply ideas that came through this analogy.

explore ideas suggested by selected analogy

choose an analogy

diverge on direct analogies

Identify the challenge

Express as "compressed conflict", using paír of word to capture a contradiction "distant intimacy"

Personal Analogy

Value of empathy

Record thoughts and feelings to generate ideas

Place yourself in the situation

SCAMPER: used to further develop ideas
REARRENGE: Can we interchange components? Is there another pattern, another layout? Can we transpose cause and effect?
PUT TO OTHER USES: What might be a different use, or other uses, if we modified this item?
MODIFY: Can you change the item in some way—its meaning, color, motion, sound, smell, or shape?

Modificar desde ATRIBUTOS de SATISFACCION: enumerar de qué factores depende la felicidad del cliente y generar mejoras que muevan estos índices (condiderar que toda idea afecta + o - a los distintos factores)

Modificar desde punto de Vista: Viendo desde el pto de vista del cliente, ¿qué modificaría?

Minify: What might be subtracted? What could we make smaller or lighter? How might we streamline it?

How might we duplicate it?

Magnify: What can you add? Can you have greater frequency of something? Can something be stronger, larger, thicker?

COMBINE: How about a blend? What can we bring together? Can we combine purposes? Can we combine units? Can we combine appeals?
SUBSTITUTE: What else instead? Are there other ingredients, other materials, other processes?
TIME MACHINE: Estas 5 años en el futuro, dime qué ves. Permite instalarse en la solución resuelta, muy útil para analizar el para dónde y el cómo en forma separada.
THE IDEAL SCENARIO: ¿Como seria esto en el mundo ideal? Se pueden poner slogans, diagramas y fotografías en la pared. Este ejercicio permite motivar y aclarar a donde queremos llegar.
WISH LIST: ¿Imagina que no hay restricciones, como lo haríamos? Destraba creatividad cuando hay mucha restricción
Create by Completing
Extensión componente 1D

Ejemplo: un elemento basico de un plato es el tipo de cocción: hay crudo, frito, parrilla, etc. Agreguemos nitrógeno liquido, cocción al vacío y cocción baja Tº

Determinar elemento básico y extenderlo

Morphological Matrix 2D

Ejemplos: modelo de negocio vs mercado, producto vs mercado, tipo de cocción vs tipo carne

Single cells/ rows / column strategies

Fill empty cells

List attributes or components in 2 dimensions (Sandwich meat vs spread)

Attribute Listing

Ejemplo: Que hace que un servicio sea bueno (lista) hacer brainstorming sobre cada uno

Step Three: Select Ideas

Step two, take each attributes and generate ideas improve it

First step: list the attributes, or components, of the challenge

Associative Thinking
Visually Identifying Relationships (VIR)

Avoid Words

Slows our thinking down

Next three photographs are stimulants

The first picture relax

Forced Relationships

Distancing yourself allows your mind to wander.

What ideas do I get for my challenge by looking at xxx?

Used to recharge thinking

Mednick measure for associative thinking (RAT).

3 Words, find a connection

Nominal Group

More time to Think

Less Cross Fertilization

individuals brainstorm alone and then ideas are pooled together


More Time to reflect, no one dominates

Sheet of paper three columns and three rows. There’s a blank sheet in the center of the table. Each person silently writes three ideas across the first row. Then swap sheet with the the center. See if they can build on those ideas, or add new ideas


inicial CLEAR Idea, problem or stimulus

3 Roles

The resource group engage in divergent thinking, and provide many ideas

Client brings the challenge, evaluate the ideas afterward and deciding which ones to take forward

Facilitator: guide the process, not to give content

idea-> Evaluate-> Ok-> Stop, this is not brainstorming

Alex Osborn, 1938

Brainstorming, special meeting

Evaluation is suspended temporarily

Build off of those ideas

Recorded in public view ¿Post-its?

Multiple ideas are suggested

Reverse Brainstorming

More funny but not highly novel ideas

Then Reverse Solution

Reverse statement. "How to decrease customer loyalty"

Becoming Creative

Creativity lies in the intersection of (Amabile 1998)

intrinsic motivation

What is your purpose?

What are you passionate about?

Where do you play?

Expertise,domain-relevant skills (Techical, procedural or intellectual)
Creative Thinking Skills (How flexible and Imaginatively approach problems
Creativity as a performance art, a sport, refer to sports psycology
OPTIMISM: Positive attitude.

"If only I..." -> "How might I" "If only they..." ->"How might we" "Yes, but" -> "Yes, and"

There's a solution, you only need to find it.

There are many blocks, but also many ways to overcome those barriers.


Improving Emotional Inteligence

Setting our own mood

Redirect into a purposeful direction

Reflection: use rational Brain to process our experience, becoming aware

Emotional Hijacking

Not about shutting down our emotions but, rather, working with them

when our emotions get in the way of our ability to achieve our goals

Practice over talent

Geoffrey Colvin:Talent is Overrated


Get a Mentor

Moderete inconfortable Repetition

10.000 rule

Flow: mental state that transcends conscious thought to reach a heightened state of effortless concentration and calmness. In this state, immune to internal or external pressures and distractions
is about




"I'm not really good"

Right: "practice your 10.000" hours like any other skill

Wrong: "don't be so hard with yourself"

Acept failure as fundamental part of each part or creative process
confidence in creative skills. You will get the idea if you try
Living in the uncertainty zone
Taking risks

This is not a job for the timid. Time wasted, reputation tarnished, money not well spent

It requires making public those bets

Creativity is the act of making something from nothing

improving tolerance for ambiguity

Hunches: What does your gut tell you about the situation?

Feelings: What are your emotions as they relate to the situation?

Facts:What do you know about the situation?

The ability to stay in a space where do you don't know what's going to happen next

persuing an idea will influence the next idea

Confort, Learning and Panic Zones
Relationships matter

Collective creation as amplifying

Working will other: "I'm proud to be a part of this group, look what we have accomplished" Strong feeling of connection

Working alone the pride of "I did this by myself"


transcending the lone creator

Creative Maturity

You are not married to your ideas, you need to let them go

Criticism of your ideas are not criticism of you

Your Ideas are not you


Many endeavors are too complex for one persons. Too much dimensions

with different people

with people similar to you

Looking for different people (perspectives, know how)

Finding Strenght in you and complementary streghts in others

strenghts=building capacities that energizes you when you are using them

different personalities for different roles

complementary approaches

looking for people similar to you (looking for your tribe)

to be with people that understand and vibrate in the same way of you

share & exchange knowledge

ADAPT What else is like this? What can you adapt for use as a solution? What does the past offer as a parallel? What could I copy?

Learn from others
take care of your relationships
other people are important

observers and feedback


sources of inspiration

Viajar, almuerzos con expertos, surfear web
Keep a Journal of ideas
Creating over the work of others, steal like an artist
Inspiration from your accumulated knowledge and others knowledge
what triggers ideas in you?
Expanding conciuosness
Doing silly experiments without clear purpose

creative life insurance!

being passionate at something

learning about things unrelated to my present job

learning something that could be a future trend


Google 20% time working in personal proyects

Critical Observation

Interest in other people in their needs

Attention focus at the outside: hoy can I improve this?

Question de Obvious, the common sense

what's obvious for you or your culture is not absolute

The hair of Disney Princess, beauty in war, baby in congress,

Stop and open the possibility the obvious is not so obvious


talking to somenone

big stop every 2 months, does the way you're living your life satisfy you?

How was your day

Write your objectives

Take a Walk

Ejercitarse en "completar" la realidad

Que hacer con 6 fósforos y una moneda

Como se vería el edificio del frente si fuera gótico

Qué es lo que no tengo en el bolsillo

Creatives like to shake things up, experience new things, and avoid anything that makes life more monotonous or mundane


Experts are blinded by their own knowledge

Experts might be particularly biased against new ideas

Steve Ballmer, then-CEO of Microsoft:"There's no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share,"

stop judging

observe everything:see possibilities everywhere and are constantly taking notes that become fodder for creative expression

Vulnerable as open to connections receive new ideas and perspectives

taking time for solitude

getting in touch with yourself and reflecting on yourself

time alone to simply allow our minds to wander

seeking out new experiences

Intellectual curiosity, thrill seeking, openness to your emotions, openness to fantasy

Openness to experience is consistently the strongest predictor of creative achievement

Stepping out of the box, connecting realities

Hold opposing thoughts in mind at the same time

Open perspectives of what's possible

Percibe other realities, thing big, the algebra of realities

Understanding from within, empathy (feeling with others)

Pensar desde otros mindsets el mismo problema

perceiving from another person's perspective or thinking about a resolve a question

Aprender en profundidad dos dominios

Traer ideas de otro dominio Cross industry innovation

Resolver el problema de un dominio en otro

VanGundy internal attitudes
tolerance for ambiguity
Risk taking
Openness to new ideas

Creative Problem Solving

Generate ideas, stretch the imagination
Principles for Divergent Thinking

Seek Novelty

Make Connections

Go for Quantity

Defer Judgment

Creativity steps

Idea Generation Tecniques

Develop many posible ideas to solve de challenge


la sensación de iluminación es adictiva

networks connect and reach consiousness

Aha moment


maybe you should go back to preparation

It could take 1 day or 10 years

3B Bath, Bus, Bed

The connections will appear into your mind spontaneously by being not to be focus in it

Get away of the problem, work in another and different thing


Borrow ideas from

Nothing is original

The aha moment comes from the subconscious processing of these influences

Everyone is influenced by someone, ideas don't come from nowhere

other people

opposite place

similar place


Studying open and focus at the same time

go deep and specific

Research in other places other time

knowing what already exists on the theme

Search for all the available information

Implementing the Process
Saber conducir proceso creativo

Control Proceso

Estas técnicas de pueden "introducir camufladas" en reuniones

Las ideas deben ser visibles para todos para detectar asociaciones y construir sobre ellas

Control distracción y perdida foco

Evitar convergencia temprana

Potencia construcción de idea sobre ideas

control etapas

The Six Hats: syncronize parallel thinking, all shall wear same color

Yellow (sunny, positive)

Black (careful, cautious, devil’s advocate)

Green (growth, creativity, new ideas)

Red (emotional view)

White (objective, facts and figures)

Blue (sky, above everything else, organizing hat)

Use many cycles of convergence/divergency, not only one

Marca las etapas

Never mix stages

Sabe cuando es el momento de decidir y decide


If you don't warm up at the beginning prepare to start slow

Plan a fixed schedule. Otherwise you'll never end each stage

Preparar bien las sesiones, condiciones materiales y psicológicas (ver Enviroment)

Equipo Correcto

Elección correcta metodologias

Desafíos bien formulados

Every person is different

Train and use tools when you feel less comfortable

In teams, complementary members and avoid conflict

Some ways of thinking feel more natural and comfortable

Respect your times

for some people thinking different is difficult but implementing is easy

Begin With

Begin with Implement step you have an idea to carry forward

Begin with ideate Step if and idea need to be transformed in a workable solution

Begin whit ideate step when you have a clear challenge

Begin in the clarify step if

challenge statement too vague or too broad

the problem as presented is not the true problem

Problem or barriers unclear

Implementing: From our own head into reality. Quick to action, always moving forward.
Mantaining and Reinvention

Adapting and Creating a 2.0 of your invention

Keep your invention running, you need creativity


It's more pleasant to think that one's brilliance is self-evident and doesn't require the gloss of sales or the theater of marketing.

Clayton Christensen "the Innovator's Dilemma" tincrementally improving their core business (perfecting old ideas) OR embracing emerging markets that could upend their core business (investing in new ideas)

Theodore Levitt: “What is often lacking is not creativity in the idea-creating sense but innovation in the action-producing sense, i.e. putting ideas to work.”

Creativity ideas put into practice bringing an extra value

we need to get imaginative in creating an action plan

We are leaving our confort zone, useful to have an action step

How-How diagram

It's a visual tool, good for low implementers

After the "we are committed to..." as why, and ask again creating a web


review if with your team regularly

Create Visual appealing form

Relate them cause-effect

generate KPI's, hard (time) soft (commitment)

Action Plan

Add accountability factors

Organize our action steps into a timetable

Create four blocks of time: immediate, short term, intermediate, and long term. We suggest that the immediate block of time begins within 24 to 48 hours in order to create momentum.

Converge on the most important action steps ¿Hits?

Diverge on action steps. Examine all of the action steps ¿brainstorming or brainwriting?

Anticipated the risky aspects of the journey

Describe a solution, change, or destination you wish to reach. Use “I, or we, are committed to ....”

Creative in persuasion and selling our idea

Ordinary people often dismiss new ideas, because their uncertainty makes us think, and thinking too hard makes us feel uncomfortable.

To grab their attention, writers often frame original ideas as a fresh COMBINATION of existing ideas

slightly novel proposals got the highest ratings

Solution: disguising their new ideas as old ideas that seems recognizable, predictable, and safe

Assistors and Resistors,Stakeholder Analysis

Diagram Power-Interest

Low Power, high interest: keep informed

Low Power, Low Interes: monitor

High Power, Low Interes: keep satisfied

High Power, High Interes: manage closely

How leverage the assistors?, how to overcome resistors?

Third, We converge. We prioritize

Second diverge on sources of assistance and resistance, create two columns

First:summary of the proposed solution

Avoid rigidity in terms of how we see things

we fail to get an accurate picture of our environment.

limited flexibility in seeing alternative uses of something

jumping to premature solutions, not seeing other possibilities

Take initial concepts and turn them from good. Compare competing solutions and craft and refine and perfect a single idea.
Revisa las ideas transversalmente y busca las paredes de la prisión mental
Tools for convergent thinking

Moodboard: Made by pieces of inspiring images

Structure Ideas Using MindMaps

Color Voting

DISRUPTIVA: (impracticable, imposible, pero saca de la caja, abre una nuevo campo de pensamiento, donde sí están las soluciones que buscamos.) Yellow: out the box, opens a new line of thinking

CON POTENCIAL (impracticable para quien la formuló, pero otro integrante de la mesa, con otros conocimientos es factible y al darle un giro la convierte en una idea genial): Blue: blue-sky idea, exited but not share how to implement

IDEA RENTABLE:(solución simple, practicable y básica del del problema (el yerno ideal)). Green: geen-lighoning that idea

Clustering: categorize, and name each cluster, they should not overlap, its OK to leave unique items

Hits: each one has 10%·N tics to share between options, should assigns independent


Beware of premature convergence

Working model of the solution beyond a sketch

Developers get stuck They don't want to move away from the prototype because they’ve already put so much energy into developing it


New Thinking to address the issues. We begin by prioritizing them.

Issues. Concerns, drawbacks, the shortcomings in the form of a challenge. So, the issue begins with how to, how might, what might.

Opportunities What would be future potentials? What would be some spin-offs? What would be some possibilities?

Pluses, look for the strengths, the good points, the positives. We should come up with at least three.


Fourth: stay focused, need willingness to work, it won't be easy

Third: check your objectives

Second: keep novelty alive, Don’t reject idea because it doesn’t fit existing paradigm

First:key to convergent thinking, first see the positive

Clarify:identifying the challenge. “Are we really solving the right problem?”
Trasncending the current paradigm

Max Planck: "Science advances one funeral at a time.”

Siempre se ha pensado que ... , pero esto no cuadra si observamos ... , Una nueva interpretación es ... y siendo así un producto como .... podría funcionar

Los científicos operan en paradigmas, hasta que una anomalía que no puede ser resuelta les lleva a buscar una nueva visión

El gato de Matrix, Escapar de la prisión mental encontrando anomalías que quiebren el sentido común

Clarifying Tools


In the four panels in between draw images of the milestones we have to hit

Then first panel, draw a picture of our current reality.

start with the sixth panel, what do you wish to create


what's else is stopping you

what's stopping you

why else


Strategic Thinking

See the paths that will move you toward your desired future

Identify the key issues

Sense the problem

The Steps of Clarify

Formulate a challenge or challenges to address our goal

Gather data about the challenge


What do we don't now

How do you feel about

What do we see happening

What do we know

Defining our goal.

Creativity Management

Los equipos tienen una infinita varianza en su creatividad, mucho más que personas individuales. Management creativo es clave
Resultados a través de las nuevas ideas, enfoques y soluciones generadas por el equipo que se lidera
Choosing your creative battles: Importance vs Probability of success
High prob. success

High Importance:promising opportunities

Medium Importance: low-hanging fruit

Low Importance: Distraction

ELIMINATE: What can you eliminate or remove? Eliminate waste, and reduce effort. Can you cut costs?
Medium prob. success

High Importance: From Confort to Learning Zone

Medium Importance: Gray Area

Low Importance: Why bother?

Low prob. success

High Importance: Creative Challenge

Medium Importance: Difficult endeavor

Low Importance: Self Abuse

Actitud del Lider

Honesto con los riesgos, con las opciones, con las emociones

Encarna la Epica, crea la onda

Confianza en la capacidad de cada uno de su equipo, nadie lo defrauda

4 Levels

Creativity is simply a way of being: creative leader

consciously skilled:skilled practitioner,

student of creativity: consciously unskilled

unconsciously unskilled about their creativity

Transformational leadership refers to leaders who are able to draw the fullest potential out of others

supportive environment, allows individuals to think in creative ways

intellectual stimulation: creativity, innovation, creative thinking, and problem solving

leader inspires a shared vision and gets people to come together and fuse their energy

leader presents a strong role model for others

Leadership and Creativity interdependence

LEADERSHIP DEPENDS ON CREATIVITY. Leaders have to be creative

leadership performance,= creative problem solving skills to resolve complex social problems.

what leadership skills are going to be most important in the future?, they said that creativity

CREATIVITY DEPENDS ON LEADERSHIP 40 to 70 percent of psychological environment for creativity is leadership .

Management Creativo vs Management Tradicional
Management Creativo, foco en mejora disruptiva

Tensión Creativa

Toda innovación significativa en la historia fue producto de personas no contentas con el orden actual de las cosas

Protección del exterior

Espacio de Fraternidad y Confianza,

Cada uno se sabe valorado por el resto

Ideas no tienen dueños

Nadie está en la mesa para resguardar intereses de nadie

Se dice la verdad y no se evaden temas difíciles

Dinámica de Juego

Los prototipos son necesarios para tener con que jugar

Juego y trabajo no son opuestos

Pasarlo bien es esencial

El juego no es para otra cosa, es un fin en sí mismo

Desafíos, no objetivos

Objetivo Trascendente

La creatividad se gatilla porque tenemos un sueño que nos trasciende, deseamos hacer historia

La materia prima de la creatividad no son ideas, brain storming ni prototipos, es la EPICA

Concepto: Hay dos tipos de management para dos etapas distintas

Hay momentos para mejora continua y momentos se requiere saltos cuánticos

La necesidad de manejarlos ambos

La necesidad de distinguirlos: “Quiero 3 proyectos innovadores para que suban en 75% el ebidta de aquí a dos años!!!” (no se puede aplicar lógica management tradicional al creativo)

Management Tradicional origen revolución industrial

Incentivos por ausencia de fallas en producción y cumplimiento presupuestos

Silos funcionales

Procesos, control, mejora incremental, cortar costos

Tareas unitarias formalizadas

Jerarquía de Mando

Estandarización, simplificación, predictibilidad. Calidad como la ausencia del error

Living a Creative Life

Changing your enviroment
Social problem find a solution or having a solution an looking for a social situation
Understand the problem in depth
Creating real Impact, making a difference
Questioning the obvious, the world is flexible and ready to receive your direct action
"life is a creative journey"
creative solutions to increase your sense of satisfaction with it
questioning yourself about your choices and trying to find
explore the way you live it
geting personal
time allocation: do we consider time or the big things in your life
style: why do you dress like you dress?
New attitude toward work
new ways to motivate
The firm as a Lab (even a construction business)
New ways to to the same (Patch Adams)

Overcoming Blocks and Barrier

Managing creative Blocks
Creativity comes in seasons, consider being between seasons in a incubation period
Always research the cause
The problem is not in the issues themself is in how they affect you
External Killers of Creativity
Other situations when the focus is outside what's being created
Ideology: creative should on predefines results, procedures and budget -> focus on constraints
Competition: ->focus on others versus the work that we’re doing
Worried by future evaluation or reward, Rather than doing his or her most creative work, -> the focus is on pleasing others
Creativity Blocks
Emotional Blocks

Refer to sport's Psycology for anxiety, motivation, resilience and positive attitude

frase like: "I don't like to take risks", "That would seem ridiculous", "what if it doesn't work"


lose confidence

frustration, emotional hijacking,

Reality without anomalies

we are trapped in the paradigm

Phrases like "It's always the same think, I know", "I don't see it that way", "All I've read said the opposite"

fixed patterns, perspectives and thinking

frases like "we have different points of view", "I'm not an expert in that", "I don't understand what's the point"

getting into habitual ways of thinking, we may not change

I'm in the wrong place with the wrong people to develop my ideas, there's no budget


change your attitude

Mental blocks. Our creativity just doesn’t seem to come.
Collaboration,ask the crowd to receive ideas to overcome the block you identified
in-and-out note taking

right column: capture the connections you’re making, random thoughts and new ideas

left column:notes directly related to the content

Forcing connections (see Forced Relationships)
Incubation Break

Talk to someone, go to an art exhibition

take a break that involves a nondemanding task

running, shaving, just before falling asleep

three D’s to overcome mental block

DISTANCE: stepping away, shifting from vertical to lateral thinking, forcing connections

DEFOCUS slow our brain down

DEFER JUDGEMENT: turning down their self-monitoring brain

Specific Creative Models

Modelo de Valores
Esta metodología separa la discusión que quiere el consumidor de cómo crearlo. Soluciona el problema confundir ambos
Ejemplo clásico, desarrollo de automóvil
Recuerde que los los features siempre afectan positivamente algunos y negativamente otros valores, hacer buen brainstorming para evitar trade off
Determine con los equipos de diseño de productos que features afectan positivamente y negativamente estos atributos de valor
Determine los valores profundos de los cuales deriva satisfacción las personas
Robert Fritz, Creative tension model
Create tension between where we want to go and where we are
Understand what our current reality is
Create a desired future
Right time, right physical setting
Space, material, table, pencils
physical ritual
light: bright vs dim
physical settings: formal/informal Office
sound: loud vs quiet
intake: coffee?
time of day: people will create at different times
Design Thinking

Prototyping quickly inexpensive materials + Role-plays get into user's mind + user's feedback

Ideation of many human-centered solutions

Really get to know your user

Second Collaborating, cross- disciplinary teams, drawing inspiration from many settings

First Reframing, stepping back and looking at the situation differently, from the problem as initially given to a deeper understanding

Solution Storyboard

The story is told from the perspective of the individual who is using this proposed change

Solution Enactment

Rehearse the dramatization. We conduct practice sessions. We videotape them

explore a range of possible encounters

We identify key areas in which the user is benefiting from the proposed solution

We envision the user’s journey, visualizing the user’s experience

Foresight Scenario

Third: check ideas against scenarios

Second, select 2 and create 2x2 write labels for 4 scenarios.

First, list the variables that will shape the future


Psychological climate
Teresa Amabile: Myths

fear forces breakthrough, true: after people expressed happiness, they are more creative.

time pressure helps creativity

money is a creativity motivator

not just in research and development

Göran Ekvall: 10 predictors

time to think

risk taking, which refers to how uncertainty is dealt with in this environment

mutual respect debate

playfulness, which refers to good-natured joking and humor

dynamism, which refers to eventfulness and energy

high-trust environment

idea support, which refers to how ideas are received

freedom, which refers to autonomy

challenge, which refers to meaningfulness

feelings, attitudes, and behaviors that you have in that atmosphere

Concept and Definitions

Clasic Definitions
Getting out of the box. Creativity is the ability to modify self-imposed constraints.
Steve Jobs: "Creativity is just connecting things.

"When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things."

Einstein: Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen and thought what no else has thoungt
Ruth Noller: Creativity(attitude, ideaGeneration(knowledge, imagination, evaluation)
Bringing something new into being
Creativity is the production of original ideas that are made useful or have value.
Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT)

Strong predictor of success, better than IQ

increased until 3rd grade, dropped dramatically after 5th

What to Test

elaboration (expound on ones's thinking)

Originality (novelty)

Flexibility (different kind)

Fluency (many ideas)

About creativity
Skills needs most in 2019

5.Time Management




1st Creativity

from problem -> new solucion from ideas -> finding a problem
From Conformity to Creativity

Conformity Advantages: +collaboration, +learning, + culture +saves energy

Michael Kirton, all people fall along a style continuum: adaptive approach - innovative approach
Is a Skill, a basic survival skill, also a 21th century skill you can practice and learn.