Describing Language
Language functions are crucial elements in both spoken and written communication, serving specific purposes that help convey intended meanings. These functions are often expressed through various lexical phrases and patterns, enabling effective interaction.
How teachers teach them and What is the most common way to teach them?
Are taught or presented giving different examples of the function and students are asked to identify it (Inductively). They also are presented creating a situation in which the function is needed for asking students to respond to it (deductively).
How form and meaning relate to functions?
The relationship is because they use words to express a number of different concepts depending on where they are used.
How appropiacy and register relate to functions
appropriacy depends upon what you say and how you say it while functions works with the words by expressing different meanings and concepts.
Examples of the Functions
We can apologise by saying ‘sorry’ and invite someone not by
saying ‘I invite you" but by saying things like ‘D’you fancy coming round for a meal?’.
If you say ‘I
apologise’, you are performing the function of apologising;
if you say ‘I promise’, you are
performing the function of promising.
Definition of Language Functions
A language function explains why someone says something
and with the idea with which it was thought
A language function is a purpose you wish to achieve when you say or write something.