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por Michael Stoick 11 anos atrás


Digitally Savvy Research Projects

In an effort to create engaging and technologically advanced research projects, students are guided through a series of structured steps. Initially, they gather and summarize information from various quality sources, including Google and video links, which helps them brainstorm effectively.

Digitally Savvy Research Projects

Things to consider when assessing a technology tool

Does the tool promote collaboration?

Is the tool interactive?

Is it educationally engaging?

Accessibility- Is it accessible to students and parents?

Can the tool be used to assess students

Does the tool provide feedback

Is it easy to use and organize?

Alignment- How does it align with goals, standards, and objectives?

Truth be told- I spent all afternoon putting this presentation together. But now that I am becoming more fluent with the Mindomo I could see putting the same type of presentation together in just a couple of hours. That is what technology does- Increases a person’s efficiency and productivity. Allowing you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Which ultimately increases both learning and performance. Thank You- Any Questions?

There are hundreds of discussion topic links on each of the following forums: - - - - - or the always popular

Twitter is a great source of cutting edge research. Peter Forster ‏@PeterLForster11 Dec Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor May Prevent Alzheimer's

Questions I try to answer when integrating technology-

Does it promote both independent and colloaborative learning?

Can the tool provide feedback and assessment?

Is it relatively easy for both the students and teachers to use?

What is the organized educational purpose of the assignment and technology being used?

Students learn to write scientifically sound discussion posts- Discussion posts- - Allow students to read what others have to say about the research topic - Give students feedback on their own ideas and discussion points. Also: Students should also personally respond to at least three other posts or questions posted by others on the forum. A Helpful Link: How to write an A+ discussion post-

Three skills students must develop to effectively use technology to enhance learning.

- At the very least- Students need to know how to effectively perform Google searches and cut and paste the relevant information presented it in a word document.

1. The first and most basic step students must make is to learn how to access and extract relevant information from the virtually limitless amount of digital information available to them.

3. The third skill students need is digital communication and the ability to present information.

One Key Technology to Utilize When Processing Information: Digital Mind Mapping - On sites like Mindomo or Freemind - Allows students to solidify, collaboratively communicate, and publish their ideas.

2. The next key step is informational processing: - Students must learn how to organize all this information into workable knowledge - In a way that not only makes sense to them but inspires them - To passionately produce quality ideas and pieces of work.

Educational activities like- 1. Twitter searching and tweeting about what they are studying 2. Interactively posting on science forums 3. Watching educationally inspiring U-tube videos or Ted Talks Anything to keep them from habitually watching the same old angry birds clips or video games.

The key to unlocking this vast amount of communication potential is- - To get students comfortable and in the habit of using these technologies in educationally productive ways.

Students today communicate continuously through texting, social media, and other digital interactions. - The kinds of personal relationships that are developed starting on the preschool playground - And continued throughout life in face to face meetings and daily activities - Are now being developed and expanded on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Doctors even tweet about what they find interesting: Dean Ornish, MD ‏@DeanOrnishMD3 Jun Exercise boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that helps "cement" memories. #GoodToKnow

Twitter Search for BDNF found: Neuroscience News ‏@NeuroscienceNew11 Oct Scientists Identify Protein Linking Exercise to Brain Health …

Educational Underfootings:

Classroom Initiatives: • Classroom initiatives can come and go but effective teaching practices must attend class every single day. • Relevant curriculum and responsive classrooms will forever be the foundation of quality educational experiences. • Nonetheless Social Media and Interactive Cloud Based Educational Technologies are also here to stay. • To connect with students today we need to embrace and utilize the many digital tools of the 21st century.

Technology in the Classroom: • Teachers do not need to be technological experts to utilize technology in the classroom. • They key to success is to have clearly defined learning outcomes behind each educational tool used. • No matter how it is used technology can inspire and motivate students to reach higher levels of education.

Technological Goals: • Our Goal- is to produce technologically literate students who can productively use computers, tablets, and mobile devices to learn and academically perform. • To be endorse cutting edge technology while at the same time being functionally sound in current technologies that work. • And through STEM education promote real world experience, teamwork, and the authentic application of technology.

Students Research Topic Tweet: Michael Stoick ‏@tctriathletics10 Dec #Bio120 Does exercise make you smarter? … Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor #BDNF

8 Steps to Tech Savvy, Relevant, and Simply Amazing Research Projects

8. The final optional step is to have students formally put their research into words and prepare a research paper complete with hypothesis, methods, findings, discussion, conclusions, and citations. - Helpful Link: All the elements of a research paper

7. The research groups will then use all their ideas, information, and feedback to prepare some sort of digital presentation like Prezi, PowerPoint, or Mindomo to present to their classmates. - Helpful link: “10 Tips to a Good Presentation”

6. Now Students get a chance to post some of their findings: Students prepare 1-2 cohesive paragraphs on their topic and post them along with at least one relevant question—onto at least two different topic related discussion board links.

5. Students then cut and paste their ideas into a digital mind mapping technology Like Mindomo or Freemind. These technolgies allows students to Solidify and collaboratively communicate their research ideas and findings. - Helpful Link: How to make a mind map- - I have found Mindomo to be both simple and simply amazing.

4. The groups then can use Wikipedia to find additional - Background information on the topic - Supportive research studies - Or any alternative ideas or contrary research on the topic. Learning how to quickly navigate all the Wikipedia key word and references links is one of the most importantly productive research skills to master.

3. Research groups can then be formed by combining students with similar or interconnected tweet topics. - At this point some of the subpar research ideas can be weeded out as students form groups.

2. Students must narrow their topic down to the one best informational link and Tweet their research topic by using #nameofclass (like #Bio120). And perform a twitter search on their research idea and see what others are tweeting about the subject.

1. Students must submit a 1 page summary of at least 3 quality Google links and one video link they found relevant to their topic of research. - Cutting, pasting, and connecting those ideas is exactly what we want during this brainstorming activity.

Here is an example of one short educationally interactive twitter session:

Digitally Savvy Research Projects

Quick Conclusion: Not only does this type of research project utilize technology: - It can be easily modified to fit any grade or intensity level - It can be differentiated to effectively reach and teach students of all ability levels. - It gives students the skill needed to utilize technology to effectively research real world issues.