Categorias: Todos - habitat - migration - breeding

por Ernest Prades 5 anos atrás


Ducks and wildfowl

Observing ducks and wildfowl reveals a fascinating array of species, each with unique characteristics and behaviors. The red-crested pochard, a resident species in certain regions, is easily identifiable by its bright orange head and red bill.

Ducks and wildfowl

Ducks and Wildfowl

Other wildfowl in wetlands

Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)


Common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)

They develop in 19-20 days and become independent quickly.

Two to five eggs

The nest is hidden in lands with low vegetation

The steps take place in February-April and August-November

It is mainly based on invertebrates

When it files it shows a general brown appearence
Brownish coloring
Limicola of medium size
Very long beak

Diving ducks

Red-crested pochard (Netta rufina)

Dabbling ducks

Eurasian wigeon (Anas penelope)

after 45 days began his independency

24-25 days of incubation

twelve eggs


Rear in northern countries like Britain or the Baltic

Spend the winter in Occidental Europe and the Mediterranean coasts


Sometimes dabb inside the water to eat submerged plants
