Categorias: Todos - earth - universe - life

por Korbyn Dewey 6 anos atrás


Earth Science final

Earth's position in the universe is explored through various images and descriptions, highlighting significant aspects of space exploration and our planet's characteristics. The paths of Voyager 1 and 2 are depicted, emphasizing their mission to capture images of other planets.

Earth Science final

Earth Science final

Is mining essential for modern day life?

This is a picture of a guy mining. He is using heavy equipment to get materials that we uses everyday.

Zinc is something that is in batteries. It is what holds the charge in the battery and we uses batteries for everything.

This is a picture of iron ore. We use iron to make steel and we need steel for are cars and for support beams in are houses and buildings.

This is oil we uses it for cleaning and greasing up are engines. We use engines for everything from transportation to collecting food we eat.

This is a picture of the chrome book that i did this project on. If we didn't mined and get zinc then this computer wouldn't work and i wouldn't be able to do this project. Earth matericals amd processes opening, Rock fossil mineral,
I can relate this to a personal story. When i was going to go golfing, I got everything ready and when I went to start the golf cart it wouldn't turn on. Then I looked at the battery gauge and it said it was dead. So I couldn't go golfing until it charged. That limited what I could do that day. That shows that we need zinc to make batteries and batteries do everything from starting the golf cart to turning the lights on. If we didn't have batteries then we wouldn't have golf carts and lights available to us. Batteries are used for many things in our everyday lives. From running our cars to to running machines in hospitals. We also use batteries for back up when electricity is not available.
Claim: Yes mining is essential for everyday life because everything that we use has something that we had to mine to get. Evidence: Zinc is mined from the earth and without zinc we wouldn't have phones or batteries. These are 2 things that everyone uses everyday. We have to have batteries to start cars and to have phones. We also have to mine for oil because without oil, we can´t have engines which are needed for transportation and machines to produce clothes and collect food for us to eat. We would have no way to get our food and there would be no way to make the clothes that we wear. We need iron to make steel for our cars and our house structures. Iron is mined from the earth and then it is created into iron. Without steel, houses wouldn't have strong support beams that are needed to hold the weight of the house. And without houses, we would have nowhere to live and we wouldn´t have as much shelter. Everyone would be homeless or have poor quality housing because there is no steel to properly support houses.

How has the Earth changed over time?

This is what the earth's surface looked like when it was being formed. It was like a sea of hot lava.

This is what the lava looked like when the earth was cooling off. The hot lava created a big land mass.

This is the big land mass the was created. It was called pangaea and it is all of today's contents pushed together creating one big super content.

This is a tectonic plate and they are what cause earth quakes. The lava below them rises and cools and the rising motion causes the plates to move back and forth.

This is a picture of are experiment that we did in class. This is showing the cycle that the lava does under the earth. The liquid rises and the solid lava falls to the bottom.

Clean Room, Dating Rocks, Relative dating, Absolute Dating, Convection lab, Lava Surfers, Making North America, Cosmos, Crash course (Sun-Earth)
When I was born I was small and over time I got a little bigger. I changed even if it was hard to tell I was changing everyday. The earth was formed from rocks colliding and everytime a rock collided with the earth it changed. Over more and more time, I started to get bigger and bigger. Then i was able to start walking which was a change for my parents because they had to watch me so I wouldn't fall. Just like the earth, it heated up which was a change because it turned into a fireball. When I began to talk, that was a whole new change that happened to me. Just like when the earth cooled again and everything was hard until the plates under ground started moving, causing the big land mass to break apart and that is how our continents were created.
Claim: The earth formed from big collisions between big and small rocks. Then the earth heated up which caused the rock to change to a liquid state which is called lava. Plates in the earth are affected by the lava under them. We can date 2 different ways. One is absolute dating and the other is relative dating. Evidence: Rocks were crashing into the earth because the earth has a very big gravitational force which caused the smaller rocks to be attracted to earth. Then the earth heated up due to convection. Which made the earth a big fire ball from the rocks that got heated up. The earth is made up of many different rocks because many different rocks crashed into the earth. The earthś plates move due to heat and pressure from the core and lava below them. The continents were once all together and then when the core heated up, the plates started moving which broke the big land mass apart. Where the continents are today are where they moved before the land became solid. Earthquakes still happen today due to a cycle that occurs. The hot lava rises and the lava starts cooling and then the rock becomes solid and then the solid drops back down to the bottom, where it is heated back up and it keeps repeating that cycle. Relative dating is where you compare a fossil in one rock layer to another rock layer. Absolute dating is having a timeline and you will find the actual date of when the rock was formed.

What is Earth's place in the universe?

This picture shows the paths that both voyager 1 and 2. There job was do get us picture of the other plants.

This picture shows the golden record and what they put on it about earth. They put directions to where earth was and they also put songs on it so they would have a idea of what the people on earth were like.

This picture is showing the collision between the earth and a rock that is gravitation force pulled towards earth.

This image shows the life that is on earth. It also shows that we have water that we need to live. The sun is in the back ground and that makes sure the we are the right temperature.

This picture is showing the star life cycle and are sun which is a star will go through this cycle sometime in itś life.

Resources: Space Opening, The farthest KWL, Habitable Conditions, The Big Bang, Star life cycle, Birth of The Earth, Star in a box, Tour of the solar system, Space Closing
Some people believe in God just like some people believe there is life beyond Earth and are just hoping that there is. Although there are people who don’t believe that there is a God or that there is life beyond Earth because they have not seen them or seen any evidence of them. It just depends if you use faith or logic to determine what is possible and what isn’t.
Claim with Evidence:
Claim: Earthś place in the universe is life, how long after the big bang and it is the 3rd planet from the sun and is in the Goldilock zone. Evidence: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were both sent to space to travel to all the plants that are farther than earth from the sun and their job was to look for life on the other plants. They put a golden record on the space ships that would show the people that there is life on earth and ways to find earth. They didn´t know if the record would actually be found by life, but if they did it just in case the record came into contact with life. The big bang started life on earth. Asteroids collide with each other and they began to get larger over time. The gravity of the big asteroid polled smaller objects with less poll and they would collide forming larger objects. The earth is in the perfect spot to have life. It's not too close to the sun but itś not too far away from the sun. The earth orbits the sun just like the rest of the plants do. The earth has a gravitational force that is great enough to have a moon orbit it.

How should humans affect the Earth's sphere?

Carbon Cycle, Earth Systems Feedback, Earth Systems Closing, Whales and Wolves, Making North America, Extreme Ice video, Carbon cycle, Carbon In Earthś Systems

This is a picture the is showing the 3 different sphere and what is in each sphere.

This picture shows the amounts of greenhouse gasses that are in are atmosphere by type of gas.

This is a picture of a power plant that is releasing harmful greenhouse gasses into the air affecting the atmosphere.

This is a picture of a landfill where are trash goes when we put it in the garbage can. There are birds in the picture that are eating the trash making them sick and causing them to die.

In cooking, you have to follow the recipe to get a good result. Just like humans we have to follow a “recipe” to get a good result: a healthy world. In cooling if you don’t do something the recipe says to do then the outcome isn’t good. If we don’t follow what scientist are saying about pollution and how that is affecting the world. Otherwise our end result of the world will be really bad. If you do what the scientists say, the world will be healthy and you will not get sick because of the pollution in the air.
Claim with Evidence
Claim: Humans should affect earthś systems in a positive way instead of a negative way. Evidence: Humans need to create less green house gasses because the gas is affecting the atmosphere. The gas is creating a weak spot where large amounts of heat are coming through, which is more heat then what the atmosphere can handle. This is causing global heating which is affecting the lithosphere by melting glaciers. We need to plant more tree because we are cutting trees down for various reasons. We need trees for life because trees produce oxygen which we need to breathe. If we don't have oxygen for people, then the plants wouldn't have carbon dioxide which they need to live and then the earth would not have life anymore. So planting trees is essential to sustain the life on the earth. Less trash also needs taken to land fills. We need to recycle and compost and in return, this will help with the amount of trash taken to the landfill. This will help save animals because animals get into landfills where they eat things that are harmful to them and they end up dying. This effects the biosphere because the trash is killing animals. The odors from landfills can also affect the air quality we breathe.