Categorias: Todos - skills - evaluation - education - emotional

por Maria Rodriguez Casal 2 anos atrás


Emotional education

The focus of emotional education (EE) is to enhance emotional intelligence (EI) and related social competencies in children and adolescents. Despite common misconceptions, this form of education is not solely aimed at adults but is crucial for younger populations as well.

Emotional education

We are living the beginnings of EE but we know that it is necessarySubtopic

Researchers responsible for IE must take responsibility for the appropriateness of measures for children and adolescents.

Researchers need to work with scientific rigor.

EE should promote critical, reflective and creative thinking.


All education that is directed at improving emotional intelligence, emotional competence or social and emotional competencies and skills.

Many people believe that education seeks to improve the quality of life of adults, but this is not accurate.


Emotional education

Guidelines for EE design

EE recommendations for the school
Why, what and how
New steps forward
Program evaluation protocol
Decalogue design recommendations

EE's main objective is to improve EI

EE Evaluation
Hodzic's meta-analysis included 24 studies based on interventions designed for ages 16 and older, and is based on an advanced statistical evaluation of the current literature.
EI schooling is more feasible in adults than in children and adolescents.
Researchers have developed two EE programs based entirely on Mayer and Salovey's AEI model. entirely based on Mayer and Salovey's AEI model.
Critical focus
SEL Inclusive term that includes emotional skills.
SEL do not support a comprehensive global construct such as EI.
SEL sometimes a set of specific variables
Assessment to promote SEL
Number of evidence-based programs that focus on environmental environmental education principles are very few and far between.
Emotional and social competencies can be acquired outside of the formal school environment
Oms says SEL is life skills
Improve students' academic, behavioral academic, behavioral and personal adjustment of students,
Evidence-based ES
In the evaluation of interventional analysis, a false negative is better than a false positive.
Replicating the data with multinive growth curve models
ANCOVA for pretest and posttest data
Quasi-experimental research design is applied.
Evidence is obtained following guidelines


Equivalent control group
Quasi-experimental research design.
Rational Emotive Behavioral Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
Criteria for replication
Profit score analysis
Equivalence of groups
False Negative
False Positive:

It is necessary

It is related to a positive state of mind that facilitates coping.
Skills demanded by the labor market. Improving I E in the population would allow countries to obtain benefits for individuals, communities and the communities



Two waves
2nd wave: two major focus on teaching an emotional curriculum, namely EE initiatives to promote SEL and EE initiatives to promote EI.topic
1st wave Ellis' E E promotes emotional growth
5 precursors
The character education movement
The psychological education movement
The mental hygiene movement
The conceptualization of education education proposed by Albert Ellis.
Carl Rogers' counseling modelbtopic