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por Mealea VanDenburg 2 anos atrás


Engagement and Belong Summer 2022

Building strong relationships and fostering a sense of belonging are crucial components of a healthy work environment. Actively participating in staff events, supporting coworkers, and engaging in crucial conversations can strengthen these bonds.

Engagement and Belong Summer 2022

To me, sense of belonging at work means

Having open and honest communication with the team, specifically leadership members.

Being asked to collaborate on a project or for my opinion on something.

Seeing a variety of people contributing to the organization

Being comfortable in the physical space (office, building, area).

To me, being engaged in my work means

Having conversations on related topics with colleugues

Interested in the content

Completing tasks on time or ahead of schedule

Looking for more oppurtunities to learn more about the subject

We're All in This Together!

This is the first song I play when I start working on anything :)

Engagement and Belonging Mealea VanDenburg

Diversity and Inclusion

I will help others grow and do their best work by
Setting a positive example
Doing my best work so everyone can also do well
Holding people accountable
I will create open and safe environments by
Connecting to different people through projects and events
Knowing when to let people have a moment to themselves in stressful situations
Encouraging positive conversation and welcoming constructive critisim
I will help colleagues, clients and other feels valued by
Allowing colleagues to display talents on appropriate projects
Reaching out for different opinions/perspectives
Creating an authentic environment that feels safe and welcoming
I will promote fairness and respect by
The golden rule (Treat others the way you want to be treated
Hold myself and leadership accountable
Ask coworkers if they feel heard and respected
I will be an advocate for diversity by
Involvment in organizational decision making
Acknowledging my privilege
Listening to others


The mission(s) of the organization I work for or lead should include
Example of organizations that may meet my expectations for engagement and belonging include
No specific organization yet, but being a part of a birthing center as a midwife or doula has peaked my interest.
My current internship site
A workspace or environment that increases my sense of engagement and belonging looks like
Understanding that there is more to life outside of work!
The organization(s) that I work for or lead will impact the community by
Connecting with individuals
Challenging existing systems
Advocating for healthy lives
Values for the organization that I work for or lead should include
Life Balance

Skills: My top five skills include

My team can rely on me to complete needed tasks, and assists with other tasks when asked
Attention to detail
I have been able to execute data entry at my internship with minimal errors
I am able to dedicate time for work and breaks that respect my deadlines and needs.
I am able to clearly and concisley communicate with my team on a variety of topics
I have had many conversations with individuals on the team about their individual journeys and they have expressed that it has had a positive impact on the internship experience.

Tasks and Projects

I will aspire to become
A mentor to new public health professionals
A strong leader
Someone who positively impacts their community
I will seek opportunities to continue to learn and grow by
Welcoming challenges
Reflecting on daily work happenings
Participating in workshops and seminars
Challenges I would like to address or problems I would like to solve include
Efficient collaboration

Ensuring that future teams I am responsible for are able to execute projects with minimal upsets.

Healthcare access

Definitely an issue I would like to take on. I will continue to learn about policy and procedure, and put myself in positions to make changes.

Racial Disparities in Childbirth

My field of study has prepared to take address this challenge or problem by pursuing the study of racial health disparities pre and post partum, and create new systems to prevent deaths and traumatic births.

Tasks I would like to complete for my work that I find engaging include
Maternal health advocacy
Community Involvement
Creating new systems of healthcare access


Professional organizations in my field that I could join include
I will proactively build relationships by
Participating in staff events
Supporting coworkers with projects within my ability
Reaching out to have crucial conversations
I would like to collaborate with people who value
When collaborating with others, I will bring the following skills, traits or perspectives
I would like to collaborate with people who are passionate about

Values: My five key values include
