por Gerhard Groenewald-Loots 11 anos atrás
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We need a till user account for each vendor, as the manager who has admin account will not always be available when a user wants to cash out on the points.
The till user will only be able to cash out points and see the last 24/12/6/3 hour connections.
Till user verify the users's cellphone number to do the cashout and issue a voucher
Vender admins are able to change their passwords
Vendors are able to change welcome messages
Vendors are able to change the specials, this way we are not binded to update the account ourself, we give this option to the vendor, so if they have weekely specials, daily specials or what ever, they control it, they update it
Vendor are able to see how many users connected to the system has entered his shop in the last 6/3/1 months.
Vendor should be able to see which user frequents the shop on a regular bases. This option has an aditional advantage as the vender can publically presesent the user with a prize as a loyal customer. and thus gain extra publisity as a rewards system from the vendor, attracting more loyal customers to the vendor
Vendor owner, family members and employeesare excluded from vendor's estimote ID, preventingthem from gaining points just to work.
Database fields
Estimote ID
Vendor ID
* Welcome message
* Specials
* Vendor ID Admin Password
* Vendor Till ID
* Vendor Till Password
User ID
* EMEI / Cell numbers
* Password
* Accumulated points
* Vendor ID & Time
Point to Curency Ratio
We need to deside the Database to use.
Need to design a desktop browser login page where users and vendors each have their seperate login areas to do the admin.
Need to be able to connect Estimod ID to Vendor ID, which also states direction of shop door and direction for enter and exit
Users are only able to login with e-mail address.
Users are only able to change their passwords, cell numbers / EMEI numbers
Users are able to view accumulated points and the total N$ value of the accumulated points
Users are able to see where they spend their points and how many points were spend.
We need to deside how many points equals to N$1.00. I thought initially 2 points = N$1.00, that helps so that users do not abuse the system too much.
Device communicates device ID, range and direction
App needs to be able to connect to the database to communicate device ID, range and direction
User should be able to authorise point cashout to prevent Vendor tills from stealing User points and print out extra vouchers for themselves (Vendor Till Users). It is an extra security layer.
Need only to display welcome message, specials and accumulated points and accumulated point currency value
I removed the browser, thought that sending data from the app to browser to database, back to browser, back to app will be too many data passed around and maxamise connection error and or data loss. The app will connect directly to the database using the device current on-line connection
App need to write to a log file on the device, for when the device is not currently connected to the internet. When the device connects to the internet, the app pass the logs through to the database. Upon sussessful database connection and update, local device log is cleared.