Categorias: Todos - navy - economy - inflation

por Jake Gray 6 anos atrás


Ford Administration

Gerald Ford, who served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, was appointed Vice President through the 25th Amendment after Spiro Agnew's resignation and later became President following Nixon'

Ford Administration

Ford Administration

Domestic Policy

Democratic Congress v. Ford Presidency
Oil Embargo

Democrats felt that Ford's idea would accelerate inflation bc of raising gas prices, unfairly hurting low-income people, and giving oil companies windfall profits

Ford aimed to raise price of domestic gasoline by boosting federal taxes and ending all price regulations

Attempt to force down consumption

Presidential Image
Assassination attempts
Tripping off helicopters and on ski slopes
Trying to convince country of his ability
Good guy, Boy Scout
Intelligence Agencies Struggle
CIA Secrets

Constant leaks

Ford's Role

Creates commission led by VP Rockefeller to look into domestic spying allegations

Committees from the House and Senate find "dirty tricks"

Several bizarre plots to murder foreign leaders

Efforts to destabilize foreign economies

Mail covers on private citizens

Drug-testing on unsuspecting suspects

Let slip that the CIA was involved in attempts to assassinate foreign leaders

Reporters work to reveal domestic spying operations

Best-selling exposes from former agents

Questionable, sometimes illegal, domestic surveillance done since WWII

FBI, successive presidents, and CIA

Huge failure

Unemployment rose steadily

Consumer demand for goods dropped sharply

Factories close

Mostly voluntary plan to combat inflation
Double digit inflation in '74 and early '75
W.hip I.nflation N.ow
Congressional Election of 1974
Showed public disapproval of pardon and Watergate in general
Republicans lose 48 seats in the House
Nelson Rockefeller
VP for Ford Administration
Former Gov. of New York
Nixon Pardon
Ford accused of secret deal with Nixon
Attempt to move on as a nation
Lost any confidence he had gathered
Struggling economy (stagflation)
Low point for public trust in govt.

Foreign Policy

Southeast Asia
South Vietnam

Operation Babylift

Mass airborne evacuation of Vietnamese babies by U.S. govt.

Hundreds of thousands try to escape

Boat People

Hoped for refuge in nearby nations, many come to U.S. and Canada as well

Fought storms, pirates, starvation

Largest mass migration by sea in modern human history

>1 million over 20 years

Many refugees used boats unfit for high seas

Many had worked w/U.S.

Falls to North Vietnam

Fall of Saigon

Khmer Rogue

The Mayaguez

Marines sent in to free ship

Khmer Rogue seized American merchant ship

Launched massive genocide

No U.S. intervention

1.5 million killed between 1975-79

Communist govt. of Cambodia

Soviet Union

Pledge to limit nuclear arms production

Continuation of SALT I

Arms control over human rights

Helsinki Accords

Ford wasn't as strict w human rights in order to further limit arms

Nations of Europe officially in favor of human rights

Ford and Brezhnev endorsed

Detente continued to be pursued

Henry Kissinger retained as Sec. of State

Political Background

Nominated for VP
Appointed through 25th Amendment by Nixon following Spiro Agnew's resignation
Became House Minority Leader in 1965
Congressman for 25 years
Fought in U.S. Navy during WWII