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por Evie Fortner 5 anos atrás


Formative Assessments

Various digital tools have emerged to assist educators in conducting formative assessments, each offering unique features to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Quizizz provides a platform for creating self-paced quizzes, with automatic grading and integration with Google Classroom.

Formative Assessments

Classflow is an interactive lesson software. You can use it on an interactive white board and send quizzes, polls, or student activities out to students on their devices.

Formative Assessments

Quizalize has standards-aligned quizzes. It has a bubble sheet scanning app if you need a backup due to technology problems. Quizalize provides instant feedback and a detailed data sheet on student mastery.

Gimkit allows students to answer questions at their own pace on their own device. It has a built in reward system where students earn in-game cash for correct answers and lose money for incorrect answers. After the game, the teacher gets a report detailing what the class needs and how each individual student did.

Socrative allows teachers to watch student answers in real time. You can create quizzes, classroom polls, or mini-competitions.

Lesson Up has lessons that are premade by other teachers. You can also create your own lesson from scratch or you upload a Power Point. During the lesson you can put in assessments such as drag and drop, multiple choice and open ended questions.

GoClass allows teachers to create interactive lessons. The paid upgrade allows for a detailed skill based report so that the teacher can track the class and individual student proficiency.

The assessments on Edulastic give immediate feedback, are aligned to state tests, and sync to Google Classroom.

Plickers allow you to create an assessment and give that assessment to your class. You print off paper QR codes which one is assigned to each student. Students hold up their QR code Plicker to correspond to their answer. The teacher uses the Plickers app to scan in the answer of each student. The program automatically scores the answers and provides you with real time data of how many students got the question right.

Nearpod allows teachers to create interactive lessons that can be shared with students. You can upload existing Power Points and it is comparable with Google Classroom. It allows you to assign quizzes, polls, open ended questions, fill in the blank questions and more to assess student learning.

Formative allows you to add assessments to your content. You can upload your content you have already made and add interactive questions. It also has a library of pre-made formatives that you can edit to suit your needs. Formative does allow for auto-graded work.

Kahoot allows you to create a game either from scratch or use a question bank to create a quiz/question game.

GoSoapBox is a web-based program. It allow teachers to create real-time polls. Teachers can download activity and grade reports. One neat function was the confusion barometer which allows students to self assess and indicate whether or not they are understanding the material.

Slido's platform allows you to use live polls, quizzes, and interactive question and answers. The major benefit is that there is no app to download.

Poll Everywhere allows the teacher to ask a question and students answer on the web-based response system. The chart updates automatically as students submit their responses. Poll Everywhere also has a live trivia function for competitions.

Class Kick allows teachers to prep the assignment and then students can work on their devices to do activities. This program does not automatically grade but it allows students to be more creative in their responses. One tool I especially liked that can be missing from online programs is the ability of the student to be creative and draw things or use multimedia to answer questions.

Answer Pad focuses on drawing and showing what you know rather than just choosing a given answer. It is a self-grading app.

Pear Deck allows you to build instructional content using Google Slides. It is side bar that can be installed and used as an add-on for Google Slides. It allows you to drop in formative assessments into your Google Slide presentations. If you present with Pear Deck, you can see individual student answer and display answers on your interactive board.

Quizizz is a self-paced quiz site. You can create your own quiz or use other teacher created questions. It grades answers automatically and it will link to Google Classroom.

Mentimeter allows you to create interactive presentations that include questions, polls, quizzes, etc. After the presentation is over, you have data that you can compare over time and measure progress.

Playposit allows you to create video content with student interactions. These include multiple choice and fill in the blank. It provides immediate data and grades automatically. This would be good for flipped classrooms.