Categorias: Todos - mood - modal

por Евгения Киселева 2 anos atrás


Forms Expressing Unreality

Various forms and expressions in English language convey unreal situations, hypothetical scenarios, wishes, and concessions. Traditional uses include phrases like "If only" followed by the past perfect to reference past events, and the use of past simple for a dramatic effect.

Forms Expressing Unreality

Forms Expressing Unreality


It's time + Past Simple
It's time we did it
past perf. (past, regret)

I wish you hadn't eaten so much

past ind. (present, wanting change)

I wish he would change his mind and marry me

would/might/could + inf. (future, irritation)

I wish he would stop doing it

Doubt and negative expressions
if/whether + past simple

He wondered if it was true

It is possible, likely... it is wonderful, strange...
It observed that he didn't tell me about it
may + inf.

She was afraid that he had told his mother

Necessity, recommendation, suggestion, order, decision

I suggested (that) she should go somewhere

dependent use

...[designated word], [appositive], [predicate]... [There was a] suggestion/think/wish, that [sub.] should + inf.



that\ in order that:

2. Noun(1) V so that/so/in order that Noun(2) V

1. Noun V in order + to inf


as if (как будто бы)/as though (словно) Past Simple/ Past Perfect: 1) simultaneous - Past simple 2) действие было чуть раньше - Past Perf. 3) в буд. - would + inf.


- even if (даже если)/even though (даже несмотря на) Past + would + inf.(2) ЛИБО Past Perf. + would have V3(3)

(real) 0.[Present] If Pr. Simple, Pr simple

were to (Future)

should + inf.


(unreal) III.[Past] If Past Perf., would (not) have V3

would + would (polite request)

(unreal) II.[Pr. Future] If Past Simple, would + inf.

(real) I.[Future] If Pr. Simple, Fut. Simple (e.g. will)

but for + noun/pronoun

Subject is expressed by nouns as aim,decision,suggestion (in the principal clause)

My suggestion is that as soon as the rain lets up we should go along there and see what we can do

Same rules as in Appositive clause

Should + inf. (in the subordinate clause)

Conj. "that"

The idea that he thought himself anything but intelligent was absurd

Should + inf. (in the sub. clause) arter nouns expressing order,suggestion,wish,decision and agreement

He told me of his desire that all should be happy as long as it involved no inconvenience to himself


Reference to the future
Would + inf./ could + inf.

If it would only stop raining for a single day!

Reference to the past
Past Perfect form
Reference to the present
Oh, if only he had given me a chance!
Past ind. form (V2/were)

Oh, if only Daddy were home!

Past PErfect (preceeds)

I wish he had stayed at home

Past Simple (simult.)

I wished he were with us

traditional use

If only...
(to future) Would+ inf.
(to past) Past Perfect
Reference to the present Past Simple (more dramatic)
Subjunctive mood
Includes such expressions:

As it were...

Long live the King!

Be ours a happy meeting!

"Suffice/far be it" expressions

Far be it from me to contradict you

Would + inf. after "luck phrases"

Luck would have it (по счастл. стечению обст.)

As luck would have it, I was invited for that night

Certain imprecations + folk sayings

Manners be changed (к черту хорошие манеры)

Expressing of concession
Expressing a wish

expressing the highest degree of politeness

Were form
"As it were" phrase

Her portrait had been,as it were,stamped on his heart

free use

Other modal verbs
Set phrases: had better, would sooner, should like

he'd rather they left him alone

But for you/your (help)
Would + V
Past cond. mood (to past)

20 years ago I would have strongly disapproved of you

Presen. condit. mood (refers to pres. or fut.)

I wouldn't do it