Categorias: Todos - motivation - perseverance - expectations - pressure

por RYAN BARRIOS 3 anos atrás


"How do people motivate themselves to persevere over seemingly enormous odds?"

The text explores the theme of how individuals find motivation to overcome significant challenges. It emphasizes that living up to expectations can be difficult, but some people use these pressures as fuel to push themselves further.

"How do people motivate themselves to persevere over seemingly enormous odds?"

the story is different from others becasue in raymonds run its beased on how she has standereds from society. in this story he is his own standered. the only thinbg holding him back is hinmslef

Here explain how the story brought out ideas, that are different from the other texts, but relate to unit question. : the story reminded me of the non fiction text about stress and priortization.

Here explain how the poem brought out ideas, that are different from the other texts, but relate to unit question. :i think these text both show how popele are trying to overcome somthing or beat a expection but in differnt ways. in this story shes overcoming what has happend in her life and is seeing how sucsufull shes become.

Initially, I thought that the answer to a unit question was. . but each of these quotes helped me think of the unit question differently because. . they helped me to deepen the answer I gave in 4.0 because . . (8-10 sentences). :initally i though that the answer to the unit quesrtion was that people motivat e themselves to pererver over seeingly enomus odds becasue of limtsn and preasure that are set in society. I still eblive this is true there is always soomthign that will presure you to do better even if its you or someone else.

these quotes led me to belive that living up to expectations is very hard, but some people can use that to motivate themsleves. the quote talks about knowing your own limits also priortixiny yourself over others. You need to be mentaly and physically sane inorder to succseed. The second quote shows that people ignore things that can be improtant for there well being but htey stop caring once they have this goal to beat a llimti.

Look at what you wrote in 4.1

"The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway

"fishing kills me exactly as it keeps me alive" pg 45
this quote shows how mcuh he aprictaes fishing and how it gives him adrenalyn by keeping him alive

i think this connectds to how do people motivate themselves to perserve over seeemingly enormus odds. the motivatvtion is how he will feel after he catches the fish will make him feel young

"fish he said i lover you snf respect you very much. but i will kill you dead before this day ends " pg22
when he said will kill you befreo the day ends i feel like hes mad he hasnt cought anything and is rethinking becoming a fisherman

these feelings gave me insight to being motivated becasue he shows his respect but he also shows how destined he is to kill the fish

"age is my alarm clock, the old man said why do old mean wake up so early is it to have one longer day" pg 9
the words age and alarm clock show that hes old and tired and he feels as if hes on a timer and his time has come.

these feelings gave me insight to the unit question how do we stay mostivated to perservere over seemingly enormus odds becasue his age is is his motivatyion. i feel like he knows hes old and wants to acomplish somthing before he dies

Harlem from Baltimore and got beat up by everybody till I took up for her on account of her mother and my girl Gretchen and talks about me like a dog;

And all the time I’m dreaming this, I get lighter and lighter until I’m flying over the beach again, getting blown through the sky like a feather that weighs nothing at all. But once I spread my fingers in the dirt and crouch over the Get on Your Mark, the dream goes and I am solid again and am telling myself, Squeaky you must win, you must win, you are the fastest thing in the world, you can even beat your father up Amsterdam if you really try.
I think this relates to staying motivated to over come the odds because it says shes gets lighter and lighter until im flying over the beach again which shows how shes trying to clear her head and escape all her problems and prove people wrong

these feelings gave me insight into a unit question,"How do we stay motivated when all our best efforts do not seem to pay off in the way we hoped?". i think she finds runnign as a thraputic time where she can space out and this quote brings it our becasu eit says it feels like shes dreaming

I think this connects to having a strong drive becasu people turned against her but she doenst care. shes trying to escae the toxicty of her old frineds and i think shes doing that by running and forgetting the problem
these feelings gave me inshght to the unit question,"How do we balance a strong drive to succeed in the competition of life, with a sense of empathy and caring for others?" becasue the quote talks about how her friends were toxic but she doesnt really need that in her life right now aand is only going to foucus on the things she cares about like he fmliy and running

Look in 4.4 for what you wrote

”here comes Gretchen and her sidekicks: Mary Louise, who used to be a friend of mine when she first moved to

and has failed."

"Raymond's Run" by Toni Cade Bambara
i thkk that in this quote the narrator was looking abck at everyoen that doubted her. also i think that in some way shes invoting what doubted her to the "celebration " becasue it gave her motivation to growinto her self
i think these feelings give me indisght to the quote becasue its the aftermath the quote is showing how she won and oveer came these odds and is happy where she is rigth now.

something has tried to kill me

with me that everyday

what did i see to be except myself?"

"come celebrate
when the narrate asid she had no modle its shows that she it self made and pure, she had nothing too look up to but herself. she said that she was nonwhite and woman so she gives insight that she is not the standered expetion in socity. when she said "what did i see to be except myslef " i think she wanted to sy that she never imagined herslef to become and grow into such a succsufll woman.
Here explain how those feelings gave you insight into a unit question. these feeligs gave me insight to the unit question bevcasue she didnt grow up wigth mcuh and those are her overseemingly enormus odds she has to fight agisin.

both nonwhite and woman

born in babylon

Use your notes that you took in assignment 4.1

won’t you celebrate with me
"i had no model.
"Instead of facing the problem, the perreson decides to reject its excisentsce or minimize its importnstd"
“When dealing with stress it is important to prioriyze your physical,mentsl, andsocial well being
Here put the title and author of the non-fiction article you read.
“How do we stay motivated when all our best efforts do not seem to pay off in the way we hoped?” i thing this unit question is the most important becaus e it shows how we get tested as people. We figure out where our limit is.From my expiren u get motivated from my parent they always want the best for me and me failing makes me feel disgraceful so i chose to keep going and pushing my limits. Even if i dont do good my parent at least know i tried. we stay motivated by the possibility that there is a chance for success