Categorias: Todos

por Silvia Oliva 2 anos atrás


I sostantivi in liquida

I sostantivi in liquida presentano diverse peculiarità grammaticali, tra cui la distinzione tra maschile, femminile e neutro. Il sostantivo "ἅλς" offre un esempio chiaro, variando tra sale e mare a seconda del genere.

I sostantivi in liquida

i nominativi in


abbreviano in -o nella flessione


mantengono la η oppure abbreviano in ε


mantengono la η in tutta la flessione

I sostantivi in liquida

This template is designed to help you with studying for an exam or qualification. The ideas behind it are described in this article together with tips and suggestions for study techniques.
Begin by typing in the name of the subject that you are studying.


Map out what you already know about this subject. This will help you to connect new learning with previous knowledge.

ἅλς, ἁλ-ός
maschile: sale

femminile: mare

plurale: battute

ρ con apofonia completa

vocativo=puro tema con accento ritratto
πάτερ μῆτερ θύγατερ γάστερ ἄστερ
accusativo grado medio
πατέρα μητέρα θυγατέρα γαστέρα ἀστέρα
genitivo/dativo singolare e plurale= grado zero
πατράσι, μητράσι, θυγατράσι, γαστράσι, ἀστράσι
πατρί, μητρί, θυγατρί, γαστρί, ἀστρί
πατρός, μητρός, θυγατρός, γαστρός, ἀστρός
nominativo= allungato
πατήρ, μήτηρ, θυγάτηρ, γαστήρ, ἀστήρ

ρ con apofonia ridotta

The 'dashboard' topic holds useful information to help organise your studies. It is separate from the notes themselves.

Dativo plurale in -ρσi

What are your purposes for this study? What will you be able to do when it is completed successfully?

Nomi neutri

What are the deadlines for your studies? Add information about exam dates, new projects to start or changes to make.

Nominativo uguale al puro tema
Nomi maschili/femminili

What are your goals in studying this subject? Are you aiming to pass an exam or gain a qualification? Write it down with target grades if they are important to you.

Vocativo uguale al pure tema (baritoni)
Vocativo uguale al nominativo (ossitoni)
Accusativo sing. in -a
Nominativo asigmatico