por Jenna Kinion 3 anos atrás
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Established a test to determine whether a school
district is in compliance with IDEAs mandate to ensure the least restrictive placement.
(Oberti vs. Clementon: summary & Significance, 2015)
This act protects persons with disabilities in the private sector such as: Private sector transportation and employment, in privately owned businesses that are open to the public. It also provides protection in state and local government activities and programs. The ADA is for people of all ages.
Helps Children with disabilities aged 3-21 years. It ends on their 22nd birthday.
Law that declares the goals for students with disabilities which include: equal opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self sufficiency.
This holds schools accountable to by ensuring all students are held to a high standard. They do this by sharing the results of statewide assessments then ensures that the lowest performing schools are held accountable for improvement. Which improves results for all education programs. The ESSA also allows schools to make changes to curricula based on a students specific disability.
Mandated that 10% of school funding for vocational education must be for students with disabilities.
Requires school create an IEP. That children be placed in the least restrictive environment, with the goal that the student move to general education classrooms as often as possible.
It also offers transition services to help a student transition from school to work environment. This includes vocational training and it pays for all of it.
The court ruled that students with disabilities must be given a public education even if the students are unable to pay for the cost of the education.
P.A.R.C. vs the commonwealth of education established that Pennsylvania's education laws for students with disabilities was unconstitutional. It also established that early intervention was crucial for students with disabilities which is a huge part of IDEA!
Made segregation in schools unconstitutional!
Rehabilitation act entitles people with disabilities to vocational rehabilitation services.
Section 504 is an anti discrimination policy that stays with a person their whole life.
Rehabilitation: at age 16 PWD receive work evaluations, financial aid for job training, and job location help from the state. (funds)
504:Applies to any program receiving federal funds and says that those programs can not discriminate against a person with disabilities based on their disability.
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ESEA or the Elementary and Secondary Education act of 1965 was part of Johnsons war on poverty. ESEA funds public education programs, specifically those that help low income families.
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