Where to next?
Where to next?
SCAMPER is best used alongside other creativity techniques, as it is only one way to generate new ideas.
Once you have gathered enough ideas, you can review them and focus on a few promising ones.
Print your mind map
or Share it with your colleagues.
Begin by typing in the name of your existing product or service
This is your starting point for new ideas. You will need to know it well enough to think about ways that it could be changed or used differently.
Internet de las cosas
En su concepcion mas simple el lot es una red de interaccion digital entre dispositivos donde influye el intercambio de datos lo que permite informacion clave sobre el uso de los dispositivos con el fin de dectectar patrones hacer recomendaciones y crear experiencias nuevas y mejorar para
Add some ideas based on reversing 'INDUSTIA 4.0' in some way.
- What would happen if you reversed the steps in 'INDUSTIA 4.0'?
- What would happen if it did the opposite of what it is supposed to?
- Could it create a need instead of fulfilling it?
- What would happen if people did the opposite of what you want or expect them to do?
cloud computing
Cloud computing esun servicio de computacion en la nube es decir que la computadora del usuario ya no debe de tener todos los programas software deben instalarlos o guadarlos porque la red de computadora que forman parte de la nube se encarga de ello
Add some ideas based on eliminating 'INDUSTIA 4.0'.
- What would people do if 'INDUSTIA 4.0' did not exist?
- What would be the effect on existing users or customers if it disappeared?
- What would happen if you took out its best parts? Could the remainder achieve anything?
- Could you remove a part of its purpose or reason?
Rialidad Aumentada
Esta tecnologia permite al usuario a obtener informacion relevante a su entorno y sobre lo que desea conocer en tiempo real en este sentido se vina el mundo real con elementos del mundo virtual para tener experiencias mas completas las cuales no seas posible sin la aplicacion de realidad aumentada interactua con los usuarios en tiempo real un cambio de accion a una respuesta de la persona que la esta usando genera un resultado inmediata en ella
Add some ideas based on using 'INDUSTIA 4.0' for a completely different purpose.
- Where could 'INDUSTIA 4.0' be misused? Could you change it so it works there?
- What would it be least suited for? What changes would be needed to make it work there?
- Could it be mistaken for something else? What would happen then?
Imprecion 3D
Alguna vez has imaginado la posibilidad de imprimir tus propios objetivos o piezas por ejemplo la torre eifflel el casco de darth vader algun animal , un puente , un edificio, un craneo etc la probabilidad de impresion son ilimitados 3D
Add some ideas based on modifying 'INDUSTIA 4.0'.
- How could you change the appearance of 'INDUSTIA 4.0'?
- How could you make it less effective? What happens if you do the opposite?
- What would happen if you made it ten times bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, cheaper or more expensive?
- What would happen if you changed its weakest or strongest parts?
Es el nuevo panorama empresarial se fundamenta en interconexion de multiples dispositivos inteligentes que procesan y generan informacion de valor para las empresas es decir platean oportunidades que extinguen una revision del concepto de seguridad de la industria tradicional
Add some ideas based on adapting 'INDUSTIA 4.0' for other purposes.
- What other purposes could you adapt 'INDUSTIA 4.0' for?
- What is it similar to? Could it be adapted to solve the same problems that similar products and services do?
- What related problems or applications doesn't it address? Could it be adapted to include them?
Robots Antonomos
Los robots antonomos son aquellos con la capacidad de ejecutar actividades y tareas sin la necesidad de ningun tipo de comando y aplicables en lugares como industrias y comercios ademas pueden utilizar mutiples tipos de actividades
Add some ideas based on combining 'INDUSTIA 4.0' with other things.
- Could you combine 'INDUSTIA 4.0' with another product or service?
- Could you combine its elements?
- Could you combine its purposes or effects with something else?
Big Data
big data son datos que se presentan en volumenes crecientes a una velocidad superior y contiene una mayor variedad de informacion estos se conocen las 3 v es decir Big Data esta conformados por conjuntos de datos de gran tamaño
Add some ideas based on substituting parts of 'INDUSTIA 4.0' or even all of it.
- What materials or parts could be replaced with something else?
- What could be used instead of 'INDUSTIA 4.0'?
- What people, places or times could be substituted for different ones?
- What assumptions could be replaced with different ones?