Categorias: Todos - shelter - farming - migration - location

por Beth Regan 8 anos atrás


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The Algonquin and Iroquois tribes, both prominent Woodland Indians, had distinct ways of life. The Algonquins resided in wigwams, which were dome-shaped and easily movable, allowing them to migrate frequently.

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Woodland Indians: Iroquois and Algonquins


Algonquins: believed that there was a spiritual world that interacted constantly with the physical world. Believed in a primary spirit or animating force that encompassed all existence and was present in all living and non-living things. ("Kitchie Manitou" or the "Great Spirit") Also believed in an evil spirit "Windigo" Iroquois: religion centered around 'Great Spirit' who was believed to be their creator. They communicated to the Great Spirit by burning tobacco which carried their prayers. They believed in an afterlife, where they would join the Great Spirit.


Algonquins: lived in waginogans or wigwams (dome-shaped birchbark house made for a single family unit.) Wigwams were temporary so they could move easily. There was a hole at the top to let smoke from fires out. Iroquois: lived in longhouses (large wood-frame buildings covered with sheets of elm bark.) They were up to 100 feet long and housed as many as 60 people (a clan) Everyone lived close together in a village (one village consisted of about 100 long houses)


Algonquins: women wore long dresses with removable sleeves while men wore breechclothes (animal fur) and leggings. Both genders wore moccasins. Clothing was mostly made out of mammal, bird and fish skins. They were tanned through a smoking process and then stretched to make softer, more usable leather. Women made the clothing for themselves and their family. They decorated with feathers, shells, paint and porcupine-quills. Iroquois: Women wore wraparound skirts with short leggings and sometimes special beaded tiaras. Men wore also wore breechclothes with long leggings.They adopted European costume like long cloth shirts with fancy beadwork. Iroquois made their clothing from soft deerskin. Both genders wore moccasins. Women kept their hair long while men wore their hair in a mohawk.


Background Info

Much tension between the two tribes over land. Algonquins and Iroquois were enemies. The Iroquois sided with the Dutch and the English and the Iroquois Confederacy drove the Algonquins from their land. Later, the Iroquois and the English defeated the French and Algonquins. 1642: Iroquois attacked Algonquins in the winter


Algonquins: hunting. They hunted deer, moose, bear, fish. Some grew corn and squash but most got crops from trading with neighboring tribes. They gathered berries and wild plants to eat. Iroquois: farming. Women and children did most of the gathering (corns, beans, squash, roots, berries, nuts) while men hunted and fished. Herbs and maple syrup were collected for medicine and flavoring. Iroquois dishes included cornbread, soups and stews.


Algonquins: Canada (Southern Quebec and Eastern Ontario.) Lived north of Iroquois. Short summers, long winters. They migrated from the Atlantic coast. Native North Americans and native Canadians. Iroquois: northeastern woodlands area. New York state --> many Iroquois still live in NY today or across Canada's border. They lived on East Coast of the US (from the Atlantic Ocean to Mississippi River also including parts of Southern Canada.) Other Iroquois groups were forced to move west to Wisconsin or Oklahoma and some of their relatives still live there today. Resided near lakes and small rivers (fertile land --> good for farming)



Algonquins: Algonquin Language (Anicināpemowin or Omàmiwininimowin) (Musical language that has complicated verbs) Ex. "Meegwetch" means "thank you" Iroquois: 6 different languages spoken (Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Tuscarora) Important Iroquois men learned Mohawk because it was the language most commonly used at the Great Council and at Iroquois religious festivals.