Categorias: Todos

por Giovanni Lucà 1 ano atrás


Maria canta

Maria è una cantante di grande talento che si esibisce in vari luoghi e in diversi momenti della giornata. La sua voce melodiosa e la passione per la musica la spingono a cantare non solo per piacere personale, ma anche per condividere emozioni e storie con il suo pubblico.

Maria canta

Maria canta

Multiple-meaning words, or homonyms, are words that have the same spelling and usually sound alike but have different meanings.

Recognize some of the most frequently used multiple meaning words.




Fa altro?


What is the word who want to expand the meaning of? Type it in.


What is the word you want to expand the meaning of? Type it in.


What is the second meaning of the word? Type it in.

What part of the speech does the meaning belong to? (i.e. noun, verb, adverb etc.). Type it in.


Build a sentence that highlights the second meaning of the word. Type it in.

Con chi?

What is the first meaning of this word?

Look in the dictionary for the first definition of the word. Type it in.

Part of speech

What part of the speech does the meaning belong to? (i.e. noun, verb, adjective etc). Type it in.


Build a sentence that highlights the first meaning of the word.