Categorias: Todos - industrial - government - financial - consumer

por Carlos Sánchez 2 anos atrás


Market types

Various market types cater to different buyers and products, each with unique characteristics and purposes. Government buyers' markets consist of institutions purchasing goods and services for public service or investment.

Market types

Market types

Types of market depending on the competition

3. Pure monopoly market
Market where only one company offers the goods and services that are sold in the market.
2. Imperfect competition market
In this market there are situations where they approach perfect competition and others where there is no competition.
1. Perfectly competitive market
Market where there are many competitors so they cannot set prices within the market so almost all products are the same.

Types of market depending on the geographical area covered

5.Global market
Market that spreads throughout all the countries of the world, due to this the goods and services that are produced are marketed in any country in the world.
2. National market
Market that encompasses an entire Nation.
1. Local market
Market that serves the area of a neighborhood, region or city.
4. International market
Market made up of buyers from several countries that most of the time are occupied by multinationals or transnationals.
3. Regional market
Market that covers not only the region of a country, but can also be the region of a group of countries, in conclusion the treated region can be narrow or wide.

Types of market depending on the buyers

5. Labor market
Market where Supply and Demand meet, the Supply is where the workers who are willing to work are and the Demand for work by the set of companies that employ the workers.
4. Consumer market
SubMarket for buyers want to obtain goods and services that are offered in the market to satisfy a need.topic
3. Government Buyers Market
This market is made up of government institutions that buy goods and services to provide public services or that are used for public investment.
2. Industrial Buyers Market
This market is made up of companies that buy productive resources, to carry out production processes.
1. Dealer Market
Market intended for all companies that buy merchandise for resale.

Market types depending on product

Depending on the product that is bought and sold, these can belong to these types of markets:
5. Financial markets

Market intended to exchange financial assets between various economic agents.

4. Service market

Market destined to the commercialization of services.

3. Market for industrial products

This market trades industrial products as inputs or raw materials to produce goods or services.

2. Market of products for use or investment

Market destined to commercialize investment goods or capital goods, products are exchanged that are used to cover a need.

1. Market for consumer products

Market destined to commercialize products that satisfy the needs of consumption.