Categorias: Todos - music - education - children - concentration

por Maritza Aguinza 4 anos atrás


Music and Songs to Promote Participation in the ESL Classroom

Music plays a vital role in the holistic development of children, influencing their cognitive, creative, intellectual, and psychological growth. It has been scientifically shown to enhance concentration and aid in the learning of other languages by stimulating the brain'

Music and Songs to Promote Participation in the ESL Classroom

Music and Songs to Promote Participation in the ESL Classroom

Benefits of music in learning

Cognitive development
New lenguages
Left hemisphere of the brain
Learn all kinds of things
Energy and vitality
Excellent academic support
A positive environment in the classrooms
Boost memory

Music changes behavior?

Music therapy has an effect on the brain in an emotional, cognitive and physical sense. And many studies have shown that it is useful both in rehabilitation, education and in programs for the improvement of well-being.
Music influences our mood in a number of ways: it can bring relaxation, make us feel melancholic, and it can make us feel happy and energetic.


Avoid songs with verses that are too long: If the song includes excessively long paragraphs, we will have no choice but to repeat the song an excessive number of times so that our students have the option to assimilate it.
Appropriate to perform actions: This is especially important when we work with young children who often support their learning in physical movements coordinated with music.
Colloquial English full of slangs and / or with continuous cultural references that require a concise explanation should be avoided as this will lead us to spend excessive class time.
When we are going to make the decision to choose the song we have to take into account that in order for it to be the most correct.


Therefore, we must consider music as an integral instrument within the educational process.
The use of songs can also be a starting point to promote the use of the Internet in the classroom in order to find information about a singer or a group.
Music can be considered as a bridge element between the listenings (listening exercises) and writings (writing activities) that we do in class since it combines the song itself with the lyrics of it and everything that this entails.
In addition, through music we can bring our students closer to the culture associated with the language they are studying, in our case English, and which in many cases is represented in the lyrics of the songs we use. Therefore, it is a great way to bring our students closer to the cultural reality of English-speaking countries.
Considering the great importance that music can have as a tool within the learning process both when it comes to learning vocabulary, as when we consider the study of structures or pronunciation, as well as to show our students that English is a living language.

What is music for many students?

However, within the classroom, it can be used as an educational tool by teachers. Used in the right way, it will have a positive impact on all students, even those who reject it in times of study at home.
For others, the opposite is true, and any sound when studying generates distractions.
This is the ideal companion for studying, as it allows creativity to fly, achieve a higher level of concentration, and even generate instances of relaxation in times of great stress from preparing an exam or studying a difficult subject.

How to use music in class?

To select the appropriate way to incorporate music into the classroom, each teacher must devise their own strategy and test those methodologies that work best for them.
The digital natives that today make up the classrooms of different educational centers are used to dealing with various types of stimuli, so resorting to these when training is an ideal method to capture their attention.

Topic principal

Why use music in class?

But essentially, the best reason for teachers to incorporate music into their schedules and lessons is the improvement it achieves in student achievement. Through it, a more pleasant and relaxed environment will be generated to study.
Because it allows you to learn in an entertaining way.
Because it facilitates concentration.
Because the right musical style encourages productivity.
Because it allows links between what is heard and social and / or personal life.
Because it stimulates creativity.
Because it favors learning.

The importance of music in education

Listening work with melody and timbre benefits the ability to concentrate and the learning of other languages.
Music has even been shown to stimulate the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for learning language, numbers, and the use of logic.
Scientific studies indicate that music has positive effects on the cognitive, creative, intellectual and psychological development of children.