Categorias: Todos - sleep - confidence - protein - goals

por Anthony Firsov 4 anos atrás


My 2021 Resolutions

The individual has set specific resolutions for 2021, emphasizing both academic and personal development. Academically, they plan to seek help more frequently in class to enhance their understanding of subjects, overcoming their reluctance to ask questions, especially online.

My 2021 Resolutions

My 2021 Resolutions

I will know about all these goals by writing it down on paper and putting it on my desk (The most common place I go) so that I know my goals and how to achieve it

School Related

Ask For Help more Often
I want to achieve this every time, in class when I have a question to help understand the topic better
Instead I could use the chat box to ask a question

Ask my friends first and then if I still dont understand ask the teacher

Join private help calls to better understand

The problem I have is that I don't ask for help that much and if I do its usually with my friends because for some reason I feel asking questions online is just not my thing when its dead quite

remind myself that their is no need to be afraid of asking a question online or in person.

Have more confidence in myself

Non-School Resolution

Get More Sleep
Goal is to sleep at 11 and wake up at 7:50 for at least 9 hours of sleep
Set Alarms

Use my google home to set alarms and to help me sleep with calming music

Keep Working Out
Eat more protein to| help build muscles

Eat more protein foods like meat, eggs beans

Alarm for when to eat

Push myself harder

Have an open mind to the workouts

Explore new workouts

Ask friends on what workouts they do and compare

try new workouts for new muscles

Find a better time to work out because I work out at 11 usually.

Do during the day So I feel more energetic

I will continue to keep working out and follow a scheduled based time. iI already organized the days I did it, now I need to set the time.