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Human motivation and behavior can be understood through various psychological theories, each emphasizing different needs and desires. From Alderson's ERG theory breaking down existence, relatedness, and growth, to Glasser'
Needs 3-9 Moral Hierarchy Physical Nutrition Intellectual Interaction
Spitzer's Eight Meaning Ownership Competence Activity Glasser's Five Fun Freedom Power or Recognition Love and Belonging Survival Mumford's Worker's Needs Moral Treatment Task Some Autonomy Meaningful Work Psychological Status Responsibility Knowledge Skills McClelland's Acquired Needs Power Compliance Harmony Recognition Alderson's ERG Growth Relatedness Existence Noriaki Kano Excitement Delight Surprise Performance Conscious Expectations Satisfaction Basic Subconscious Background Herzberg's Two Factors Motivation Pleasing Satisfying Hygiene Maintenance Necessary Henry A. Murray's "Explorations in Personalities" Understanding Succorance Sex Sentience Rejection Play Order Nurturance Infavoidance Harm Avoidance Exhibition Dominance Deference Defendance Counteraction Autonomy Aggression Affiliation Achievement Abasement Maslow's Hierarchy 6- Self-Actualization Achievement of Potential 5 - Aesthetic Pleasure Beauty 4 - Understanding Cognitive functions 3 - Esteem Esteem from Others Self-Esteem 2 - Belonging Group-Membership Affection Love 1 - Safety Removal from Danger Shelter 0 - Physiological Sleep Food Health