Organigrama arbol
Cheating is fundamentally wrong for several reasons. It induces significant stress and anxiety as the person constantly worries about being caught. Trust, once broken by cheating, is extremely difficult to regain, leading to strained relationships.
Cheating ruins your reputation. Your actions dictate who you are and if you act unworthy they will assume you are like that.
Cheating eventually leads to failure
Cheating may be the easy path, but it's the path of failure. When you cheat you are avoiding the actual where you can gain experience and knowledge. It's more losing than winning.
Cheating can become a habit
Cheating becomes part of your life, and it destroys it. People that cheat do it regularly, and that affects all the aspects of life.
Cheating kills trust
Trust is not an easy thing to get, but it's really easy to lose. When you are caught cheating it doesn't if it was the first and only time you have done it, people will be very hesitant towards trusting you.
Cheating is disrespectful
When you cheat you are devaluing the effort that other people put into work; you are being disrespectful and damaging others.
Cheating hampers progress
People base their learning on grades and what you learn can serve you for the future and if you do not learn nothing will be complicated.
Cheating is unfair to you
When you win something by your own effort it feels good, but when you cheated you will feel useless because if it were not that you had not cheated you would not have won on your own merit.
Cheating is unfair to others
When you copy in exams, it is not fair either to your classmates and to you, people try hard and give everything, and that you receive recognition is not very fair and you will feel bad for not being sincere.
Cheating causes stress
When you cheat and tell lies all day long you will think about that, causing you anxiety and stress. Your worry will be based on that.
Cheating is the same as lying and stealing
1.When you do a task without having contributed yourself, copying from a friend is considered stealing because you are taking someone else's job.