por Kiara Soto Cruz 2 anos atrás
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por israel mones
por Julieth sanabria
por Thalia Jara
por Cristina Adam
Imagine that you are opening a restaurant that will serve only your favorite food and drink. Try to create the menu so that your dishes and beverages can also be found very appealing by your customers.
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cuadro de doble entrada
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figuras geométricas
How does it taste?
Each dish description should sound as if you were explaining a friend the taste and flavors for which that dish is your favorite. Type in the adjectives that best describe this course. Example: ' The taste of the citrus sauce is so syrupy and flavored, the exact amount of sweetness the duck needs. Also, the duck is tender and succulent in the inside and crispy on the outside.'
What does it consist of?
The main course, also called the entree, is the largest portion of the meal and in many cases contains some type of protein. Type in the answer.
What does it consist of?
líneas rectas
A soup can be anything from a light broth to a rich pure. Very often, the type of soup being served is determined by the following dish.
Type in the answer.
para activar conocimientos previos,
What are its flavor?
Each dish description should sound as if you were explaining a friend the taste and flavors for which that dish is your favorite.
Type in the adjectives that best describe this course.
Example: ' The crunchy tortillas are melting in your mouth like savoury-salty biscuits. The sweet-and-sour tomato sauce is perfectly seasoned while the jalapeno pepper makes it spicy. '
What does it consist of?
The appetizer, also called a starter, is a small portion or a bite-size delicacy which will prepare you for the remainder of the meal. Type in the answer.
permiten organizar y reflejar el desarrollo del pensamiento.