Categorias: Todos - assessment - engagement - collaboration - interaction

por David Chiu 1 ano atrás


Practices for online teaching

In the realm of online teaching, creating an engaging environment is crucial for effective learning. This involves incorporating music or slides to fill silences and using slides as virtual backgrounds or sharing a second screen to display timers or scoreboards.

Practices for online teaching

StayQurious, 2022

Online Teaching Best Practices

Devote start of year to technical training

Learning how to learn
Collaborate on a document


Create mind maps
Pommodorro Technique
Complementary apps (keep to a minimum)



Download apps on computer+phone
Disable internet
Podcast playlist
Edge Browser

Immersive Reader



Microsoft Forms

finding answers, feedback



Assignments: Find assignment/rubric, submit assignment, review feedback

Posting/responding to discussion thread

Promoting S-S interaction

Promoting Thinking

Assign thinking roles in advance

Fabulous 4:

6 Thinking Hats:

Questioning techniques
Selecting Students
Teacher-defined order

By date of birth, alphabetical, according to my screen layout.

Benefit: Gives students a sense of predictability, time to prepare.

Waterfall Method (at the same time)
  1. Teacher asks prompt question to the class
  2. Each student types their answer into the chat box
  3. When teacher says go, everyone sends their answer together.

Benefits: Allows all students time to think in parallel.

Student picker tool (randomization)
Hot Potato Method (randomization)

Student A shares. Chooses the next.

Student B shares. Chooses the next...

Variation 1: Next person must repeat what the first person said to promote listening and remembering.

Variation 2: Each student asks a question of the next student.

Benefit: More student-led.

Popcorn Method (student-centered)

No cold calling. Students speak when they are ready.

Optional: Time limit

Benefit: Removes the pressure of being called upon. Gives every student the time they need to think.

Ensuring engagement

More formative assessment methods
Encourage 🙋🏻🖐 to signal wanting to speak
Give alternative task if too hard.
Clear staging. Proceed as a class.
Visualize instructions/answers on slide in simple language
Check via frequent, minimal interactions
"Type 1 in the chatbox if..."
"Show your deck of cards when done."

Plan prompts/ questions intentionally

"Create a 10-word headline for this picture."
"What are strategies for playing this game successfully?"
"What do you see?"

Create engaging environment

Use Slides as Virtual Background or share a second screen to display timer/scoreboard
Add music/slide to fill silences (at beginning)