por Michael Mascolo 1 ano atrás
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MP: People with the fixed mindset avoid challenge in order to protect themselves. As a result, this messes up their motivation. Although they will put in effort to try to look good, they will not put in effort to try to learn.
The person with the FM focuses on performing well and not learning
MP: People with the fixed mindset get their self-esteem from feeling smart.
scared of failure
When they fail, they give up.
MP: The fixed mindset is the belief that one's qualities and abilities are fixed and cannot change.
People with the fixed mindset believe that their abilties are "carved in stone" (Dweck, 2017, page x).
"Fixed Abilites" are like "Stone Carving"
caused by genes/heredity
said to be static
Fixed from birth
no potential growth
cannot be cultivated
set in place; already in place
static and unchangeable
Stone Carvings
a rock is a THING. it simply exists.
a rock has no potential by itse.f
a stone carving is permanent; there forever
a rock can't be changed