por Ramon Contreras 6 anos atrás
Mais informações
Becomes a law
45 cities have also enacted hands-free ordinances.
Texas the 47th state to officially ban the dangerous practice of texting while driving
Defeated in the Senate before becoming law
Hard for officers to see what a person is doing with their cellphone
Texting and driving being illegal is unpractical
Making it safer for pedestrians and motorists
Reduce the amount of money spent in wrecks
Web Driving Simulators
Providing Extensive research over
MAX of $4,000
One year in jail
Additional charges/ punishments
Continuous offenders
Fine up to $100 - $200
First time offenders
FIne up to $25 - $99
Adults 18 to 30 years old
Law Reformers
Safety Programs
AAA Foundation Of Traffic Safety
End Distracted Driving
Impact Teen Drivers
Drop It and Drive (DIAD)
Resulted injured
Lost people