por Michael La Ronn 5 anos atrás
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34 Steps: 1. Add front sound bite 2. Record 3. Stop 4. Add back sound bite to end of track I just recorded 5. Highlight track I just recorded (it's the middle track—soundbites do not need to be edited) 6. Amplify 7. Normalize 8. Compressor 9. Save file as Episode “X” on my external hard drive 10. Export to MP3 titled Episode “X” with my default ID3 tags 11. Close Audacity 12. Open Firefox 13. Go to www.libsyn.com 14. Click Login 15. Insert username 16. Insert password 17. Click Login 18. Select Show Writer’s Journey 19. Click Content 20. Click Add New Episode 21. Click Add New Media File 22. Select file that was just exported 23. Select checkbox Update ID3 Tags 24. Enter Episode Title in Title Field 25. Click 2. Details 26. Copy text from file X 27. Paste text into Description field 28. Write remainder of episode description 29. Click Schedule 30. Enter date 31. Click Publish 32. Publish blog post from Ulysses to Wordpress 33. Copy embed code from Libsyn to top of blog post 34. Publish
Can I hire a VA to do this for me?
VA estimates: about $30 to edit and upload each episode of the Writer's Journey...or $1560 per year. Too expensive for content that doesn't drive ROI for me.
Hmmm...can I automate some of this?
Turns out, Applescript can do a lot of this.
Researched cost for a developer to do Applescripts: Anywhere from $100-$350...flat
Another thought...why am I uploading episodes to Wordpress? Do people even listen to the show there?
Per good ol' Google Analytics, only 4 people listened to my podcast from my website in October 2019, and 18 listened to it in the past year. The podcast gets close to 2,000 listens per MONTH. Instead, it would be better to put the Libsyn player on a dedicated Podcast page and have it update automatically whenever I have a new episode. Still allows me to put the show on the site for prospective listeners to hear samples but also cuts my content creation time further.
Posted a job on Upwork. A developer offered a proposal within 1 hour to automate EVERYTHING.
Developer and I worked closely together to create new streamlined process.
Final Story: 48% reduction in podcast cycle time by automating post-production and no longer publishing to Wordpress. Takes my overall production time from 32 hours per YEAR to 16 hours per YEAR. Major success story.